New pro stocks are today's softer covers. Hardness below 75!
This is good and bad! Great on over skiddy synthetics as it smooths out move.
Bad if one really needs length.
If length is the problem then the Hot Rod original is better. Is getting less over under is the problem but length still needed new Pro Stock Pearl is great AND prettier!!!!
But all this is pointing to what is different from the Wild.
Wild is a 3 piece and puck ball. Tons of length given by core and then good strong backend. These two piece balls the core revs slightly earlier the diff is the same and then the pearls are pearlier for more skid but the core may still be revving harder than the Wild.
May be same length just a touch more midlane.
My observation of all these 3 piece with pucks is they go straight to the break point and then they either grab early enough or they don't.
I see them moving earlier and