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Author Topic: How far to chase shot in before balling down  (Read 2407 times)


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How far to chase shot in before balling down
« on: March 23, 2014, 08:34:19 PM »
Threw the IQ Fusion Friday night.  Ball really hits hard. Used it as long as possible before switching to Hy Road Pearl. Started night standing on 20 and ended up on 35 before switching. 5 man league on wood lanes so shot really breaks down quick. I really would love to use Fusion all 3 games but for a medium rev player 35 is pretty deep. Just wondering if you guys have any thoughts about when is the right time to ball down and move back right instead of moving left with same ball. I always seem to wait till I leave a split before balling down.



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Re: How far to chase shot in before balling down
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 10:35:02 PM »
I typically keep moving left with the same ball until either 1 ) I stop carrying or 2) I can see the ball path start to change (starting to hook early...  or more recently not reacting due to plastic straight ball carry down).  This is where knowing your arsenal and expected reaction becomes critical.


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Re: How far to chase shot in before balling down
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2014, 01:41:23 AM »
I agree with Strapper.  As long as you have good reaction and carry, follow the shot until you don't (if that happens). 

The key is to watch your ball reaction more and more closely as you move in.  If it starts to labor because maybe the ball is finding friction too early, then often a weaker cover ball is a great option. 

Much will depend on proper surface prep and your ball rotation.  Guys with lots of forward roll sometimes struggle when the lanes have opened up a lot because they start to lose the amount of skid and rotation necessary to help with carry as the lanes dry out.  Hope this makes sense.


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Re: How far to chase shot in before balling down
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2014, 06:24:08 AM »
I agree with Strapper.  As long as you have good reaction and carry, follow the shot until you don't (if that happens). 

The key is to watch your ball reaction more and more closely as you move in.  If it starts to labor because maybe the ball is finding friction too early, then often a weaker cover ball is a great option. 

Much will depend on proper surface prep and your ball rotation.  Guys with lots of forward roll sometimes struggle when the lanes have opened up a lot because they start to lose the amount of skid and rotation necessary to help with carry as the lanes dry out.  Hope this makes sense.

Makes sense to me.  That's exactly where my AMF Heist Pearl with a MOtion hole comes in.  The core and drilling adequately compensate for my lack of hand but that smooth cover (at 4000 lightly polished) guarantees it will not over-react to friction.


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Re: How far to chase shot in before balling down
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2014, 09:58:53 AM »
Thanks guys. I appreciate the help. I want to use the Fusion as long as possible before going to a weaker cover stock. Ball really hits like a tank. I will move left and chase the shim till I run out of room or don't like what I am seeing from the ball.

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Re: How far to chase shot in before balling down
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2014, 12:51:35 PM »
The Fusion (With it's lower RG and diff) may not be enough ball to go super around the corner for you. The Hyroad Pearl is a good step down to get it around the corner, because it's higher RG higher diff. Pearl + higher RG and Diff means the world when the ball in your hand isn't making the turn. Example. I bowled with my Network (Low RG high diff) on a house shot this weekend. As the lanes transitioned, I really didn't like the carry from the angle I was at. Threw my friends Dirty Look (Higher RG same diff, weaker pearl cover) and it pushed and turned where my lower RG ball was not working as well as I would hope.