I had the same problem with mine. Big time backend, and when you tried to move left, roll out . . I just got rid of mine. I hate plugging stuff. Most of the time redrilling stuff doesn't work for me. It's usually just that the ball doesn't react well. There have been balls I've had that I've redrilled 3 or 4 times and every one of them sucked. Other balls I've redrilled 3 or 4 times and loved all of them. I know the layout is supposed to make a difference, but with normal layouts (stacked, label, pin below ring, pin above bridge, etc) on a house shot, I doubt redrilling will do much good. More exotic layouts usually only work on tougher shots. I was pretty disappointed too. It wants to hook at the arrows but won't roll up on the backend, too much early energy burn is the problem. Don't know what else to tell you.
Space for rent or suggestions . .