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Author Topic: How many balls should I get ?  (Read 1950 times)


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How many balls should I get ?
« on: February 08, 2006, 04:57:23 PM »
I've been bowling for 5 months or 6, I don't own a ball but I use my friend's old ball, now I decided to create my own arsenal, for heavy oil I'll get the Passion, and a Plastic spare ball. but I don't know what should I get for medium conditions.
a Pro told me to get a Rampage, but I'm looking for something from STORM,, anyone ? and I would like to hear your thoughts about the BVP Rampage as well.

Should the Pin and Top be different between each ball in the arsenal ?

Edited on 2/9/2006 1:44 AM



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Re: How many balls should I get ?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2006, 01:00:37 AM »
EVERY Storm bowler in my oppion should own the Hotrod Hybrid. GREAT ball. Hits hard and the roll is consistent along with the carry. I shot my first 700 with this ball and It ALWAYS helped me on those medium-dry conditions. I would highly recommend this ball with a 2-3 inch pin.


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Re: How many balls should I get ?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2006, 02:01:50 AM »
Hey as for thoughts on the rampage imo it is one of the best balls out there for your typical house shot. It is mt bechmark ball. The powerkoil18 coverstock is very versatile. Don't think you would go wrong with it.

" Focus the next shot is critical"

" Focus the next shot is critical"



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Re: How many balls should I get ?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2006, 02:39:01 AM »
An arsenal depends on what you want to do.
A polyester spare ball is a must, it can also be used on totally dry lanes.

Then, I'd advise to either go for a 2 or 3 ball arsenal.

A mild peral reactive for medium-dry conditions is a good base. The HR Hybrid is a very good ball for this task, especially for a beginner, and it is not too expensive. The Tropical Storms can do the job, too.

Then, I would take a ball for medium-oily to oily conditions. For a 3 ball arsenal, I'd select a matte solid reactive or even a medium load particle ball. The Diablo or an Atomic Charge, drilled for earlier roll, shouel make a versatile base. If you only want 2 balls, have this one drilled for more length and maybe play with the surface, shining it up.

Then, finally, you can use something in between these balls, for true medium conditions. A Fired Up or a Screamin' Banshee should do this job, drill it for length and pop on the backend, and have fun.

As a beginner, I'd stay away from high performnace balls. I'd invest in such a ball if you have developed a feeling how you play and what you want the ball to do for you. Asymmetrical cores like the Paradigm's or in the X-Factors offer drillers special options to fine tune the ball to the player. If you are not that far, such a ball, if drilled not properly, can be an easy waste of money. You can be lucky that it works for you, but I'd rather advise to postpone such a ball when you have a solid game, can read the lanes and know by yourself where you see a further gap in your basic arsenal. Just be patient.

Hope this helps, it is just a rough personal advice.

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: How many balls should I get ?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2006, 06:24:22 AM »
thanks everyone ..

Dizzy, my coach told me first to get the Paradigm, then he told me to get the Passion instead, I don't think he would change his mind for no reason, so the Passion is must in this case, and also the spare ball. but I'm looking now for a good ball for a medium condition for the house I ball in usually.
 I bowl in three houses , one of them is medium oil, the 2nd is heavy with dry backends (and I hate this house, I just bowl there because I bowl there for free-I won  a tournament and that was the prize-), the 3rd is a very oily and it where all the pro hang out .


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Re: How many balls should I get ?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2006, 07:20:11 AM »
Excellent advice in the thread, I just wanted chime in on some extreme values that are out there:

I would highly recommend, Storm Hot Rod Line, Roto Grip Planets, and the Brunswick BVP line.  These balls are quite good and have a medium to light reaction ball choice in each of their lines, that has outstanding performance for very little money, and should be a fit.  

The high priced, high performance balls are generally marketed aggressively as "High Scoring" or "Powerful"; several ball companies are starting to market as a more politically correct "master" "pro" etc.  There is usually such a thing as "Too much ball, to control" for the condition or the level of bowler.  "Money don't necessary buy you love" if the shot, and bowler's level is not conducive to the performance of the ball.

On a setup medium high to high oil condition, of course, for Par (elite) bowlers, the high performance are used as viable weapons. Unfortunately, THS normally will not lay enough oil out, to accommodate a performance product such as these.

Take away the oil and it will generally deflate the ego of the performance ball marketing machine.  Then, a moderate performance to lower performance ball will shine.

Of course, this a generalization, depends on bowling styles, knowledge, and several intangibles. As in life, a balanced ball selection approach generally works better, there are chosen times to be aggressive and chosen times to be passive, IMHO.

A vote for the Storm Hot Rod Hybrid, a mixture of solid and pearl coverstock, "this is no turnip", it rolls beautifully and hits very hard.  Of course, I'm biased, I own one and love it.  Another ball that is very interesting, that I don't own, but probably will - the Roto Grip Saturn, I like what I see and like what I hear.  
The Bowling Ball Manufacturing Kingdom Scorecard (hint: they are all good)
Brunswick ***** (King)(Budweiser/Anheuser-Busch)[make Elite, Lane#1, MoRich]
Storm ***** (Prince)(Coors)[make Roto Grip, Dyno-Thane, Circle Athletics?(in transition  purchased by Columbia Industries)]
Columbia **** (nobleman)(Miller)[make Track, AMF]
Ebonite *** (jester)(Strohs)[make Hammer]
Visionary (no current rating)(wizard)(microbrew?)
Lanemaster (no current rating)(knight)(more microbrew?)
[Note: The end companies usually spec out their own balls]

Edited on 2/9/2006 8:17 AM

Edited on 2/9/2006 11:11 AM


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Re: How many balls should I get ?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2006, 08:55:38 AM »
I'd be critical about a Passion... especially for a beginner. Is your coach (*accidently*) also your pro shop owner...? In a local house, we have a similar constellation - and the coach is crap and sells expensive stuff to newbies who learned a doubtful bowling style and who need strong balls to make the ball move at all... I hope this is not the case for you? Maybe you should also check out another pro shop opinion; I am a bit sceptical.

Well, a Passion certainly will do the job for a oil ball. For something "below", either the Fired up or one of the Banshees should do the job. The H´R Hybrid is still a good thing for medium-dry shots. I do not play one but know several players who like it for this condition, and from waht I have seen they are right.

And do not forget the polyester! Maybe the most importnat thing in the bag besides your first recative strike ball!

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: How many balls should I get ?
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2006, 09:41:52 AM »
If this is your first arsenal I would just buy 2 balls.  1 for heavier oil and one for light oil.  Drill them both with the same layout.  Once you get better you may see a need for a more complete arsenal.

I also agree with many of the above statements.  Stick with mid-priced equipment.  The high end stuff in my opinion is overrated.  Most of my arsenal is in the lower price range.  I do have a paradigm but that is the only asymmetrical ball I own.

Edited on 2/9/2006 10:32 AM


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Re: How many balls should I get ?
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2006, 03:28:33 PM »
If I may be so bold to offer a suggestion.  I would go with a 2 ball arsenal (3 with the spare ball), keep it on the lower end cost wise, and get a med-heavy ball and a medium light ball.  This way you can play the outside line when it gets real heavy with the med-heavy ball.  This will also teach you adjustments, hand positions, etc.

If you're looking at Storm, for lighter oils, the Hot Rod Hybrid, the Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl or the Banshees.

For heavier oil, possibly the Fired Up, Diablo and if you really want to spend the money, the Paradigm.

To me, getting a ball solely for heavy oil, unless you're bowling in a tournament, will spend more time in the bag than it will on the lanes.  Ditto for a light oil ball.  Get something in the middle and you can move left or right, or change or wrist position.

I personally carry only 2 balls, the Paradigm and Smokin Inferno, plus a spare ball.  On most nights, I can use the Paradigm on any lane condition except for extremely light oil.  If the oil is lighter, I play further inside, when it's heavier, I play further outside.  I can make it hook 15-20 boards or have it hook less than 5.

Edited on 2/9/2006 4:17 PM


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Re: How many balls should I get ?
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2006, 08:56:09 PM »
Storm arsonal for a bowler averaging under 185
1)Medium to medium heavy--->Dark Thunder box cover drilled pin under ring cg out 1"

2)Heavy---->Same ball scuffed with burgandy scotch brite

3)Light---->Same ball 2 minutes in the Lustre King

4)Spare ball--->any 14# plastic house ball that fits your hand

When your average is 185+ and you cannot find a shot on a particular condition no matter what you try,define that condition,research what balls are being marketed for that condition and make your second ball purchase.
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD

Edited on 2/9/2006 9:44 PM