
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: jbuzz31 on February 19, 2009, 10:36:48 PM

Title: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: jbuzz31 on February 19, 2009, 10:36:48 PM
Getting one tonight from the proshop. Been stoked about it all week!
Pin up or pin down? Specs in profile.
Im looking for it to get through the heads clean and have a fairly decent pop on the backend, but not hockey stick and hopefully not a lot of over under.
Any input is greatly appreciated
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Title: Re: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: Dan Belcher on February 20, 2009, 06:49:13 AM
I don't know about how you should drill, but I will tell you that you'll probably need to adjust the surface some to get rid of the over/under created by too shiny of a finish.  Mine was too clean OOB and tended to slide right by the breakpoint if I missed left a pinch, and as soon as I got it to the friction, it looked like somebody kicked it left.  Lightly knock some of the polish off with an abralon pad, or completely remove the polish and redo it to a lower shine.  For me this really brought the ball to life, it's now the strongest ball in my bag as far as total overall hook goes, and it's much more controllable.  (Granted I haven't gotten a fair test of it yet -- they changed the oil pattern on my Tuesday league two weeks ago to a very, very wet/dry wall that I cannot for the life of me figure out.  Everything in my bag gives me an over/under look on this currently...)
Title: Re: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: Z Jellsey on February 20, 2009, 12:25:58 PM
Drill it to strike!!!!!!!!
Honor Scores: ?
Title: Re: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: jbuzz31 on February 20, 2009, 12:53:36 PM
Drill it to strike!!!!!!!!
Honor Scores: ?

good one......
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Title: Re: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: Jay on February 20, 2009, 06:33:49 PM
If your driller knows your PAP, I'd do something like 4.5-5" pin under, and definitely take Dan's suggestions.  I'm not too far from your speed/revs and I'd probably do something similar, probably using either 2000 abralon or 1000 polished on mine.
Title: Re: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: renoatpikeville on February 20, 2009, 06:39:10 PM
drill it like your first Dimension...
Title: Re: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: Dan Belcher on February 20, 2009, 06:54:20 PM
If your driller knows your PAP, I'd do something like 4.5-5" pin under, and definitely take Dan's suggestions.  I'm not too far from your speed/revs and I'd probably do something similar, probably using either 2000 abralon or 1000 polished on mine.
I briefly tried 2000 abralon on mine, and it practically hooked at my feet.  I threw two shots with it like that before adding polish to get it to save some energy.  And that's with a 5" pin up layout, the same as my original Dimension.  Holy freaking crap this ball is strong.
Title: Re: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: Bigmike on February 20, 2009, 09:04:25 PM
I had to knock the shine down on mine also. And this was with a pin in the middle finger drilling (control type drilling-short pin). On a THS, it just got too far to the pattern and snap hooked me into a crap load of corners.

With 2000 and 4000, it is a different look. When I get on some more flatter patterns, I will probably put some shine back on it.
"Why don't you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig-Columbus, OH
Title: Re: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: mrbowlingnut on February 20, 2009, 09:34:41 PM
Everyone is different mine is pin over ring 4 1/4 pin to pap and cg at 4 3/4 to pap, it is a house shot dream. Goes fairly long and arcs really hard off the dry boards, shot 226 with a clean game and a 238 with a greek church to open the 10th in game 3 after after having the first 5 strikes a 9 spare and the next 3.

So screwed up a 279 getting a little slow in the 10th, not enough ball for game 1 but after that watch out it is going to strike alot.
Title: Re: How should I drill My 2nd Dimension?
Post by: jbuzz31 on February 21, 2009, 07:38:02 AM
well i ended up going with pin directly above my bridge,  CG just a tad left of grip center.

was waaaaaaay to dry to get a decent feel for the ball ( the manager took the day off so i dont even think they oiled the lanes..grrrr)
Even with it being so dry i was amazed how smooth and clean this thing gets thru the heads. And even last night on the toasty ness with the pin up it didnt go hockey stick on me.  Just a super strong arch.  Def. what i was looking for.  Cant wait to try it out at the other house i bowl at where tuesday night i was playing straight up the 5 board with my cherry bomb and barely making it to the pocket. For my first storm ball, i must say im impressed.
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