
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: Ric Clint on June 13, 2005, 04:03:32 PM

Title: How strong is the backend of the FIRED UP?
Post by: Ric Clint on June 13, 2005, 04:03:32 PM

Will this ball recover better on the backend than the RECHARGE?

This ball is being hyped up to be "unreal" in the amount of backend snap it has... are any of you seeing this to be true?

How much length does this ball have? I'm wanting something that has huge length and massive backend... I'm tired of buying all these company's so called "long and strong" balls and then having them actually be earlier than they're suppose to be and also too archy and rolling out. So I'm wondering what kind of ball is this REALLY?


Title: Re: How strong is the backend of the FIRED UP?
Post by: the pooh on June 14, 2005, 01:08:49 AM
I laid my Fired Up out to roll fairly early and I still think it's the biggest backending ball ever from Storm!!! At least on medium to medium-heavy house shots.I haven't gotten to use it on anything longer and flatter yet. I wouldn't call it skid-flip, but it is a VERY hard arc off the break point.A great ball!!!
Title: Re: How strong is the backend of the FIRED UP?
Post by: snowman4951 on June 14, 2005, 01:14:55 AM
I don't know about the Storm's Fired up but,I can tell you Morich's Shock and Awe goes really long and has a killer backend.No Bullsh*t. I have about 8 friends that swear by that ball.Ask the Morich Forum. I have had this ball for about 2 months and it still plows the pins.I get a lot of backend and I throw between 17-19mph.

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Title: Re: How strong is the backend of the FIRED UP?
Post by: HamPster on June 14, 2005, 03:42:49 AM
It definitely had neck-breaking snap for me.  Like Pooh said, it's got the strongest backend of any Storm I've thrown, and I've thrown nearly all of them in the last 4 years.  The Raging Red Fuze has the absolute strongest backend I've ever seen, but the Fired Up would be right under it.
Hey, I am NOT Michael Jackson.  I like little GIRLS, not little boys . .

Rock on kitty.
Title: Re: How strong is the backend of the FIRED UP?
Post by: HamPster on June 14, 2005, 03:44:58 AM
BUT, like you said, wanting a long and strong ball, it's strong, but not so long.  It revs up pretty early, and has rolled out on me.  That was a problem I had with it.  It doesn't so much roll out as it just does that hook/set thing.  However, I rarely was able to throw it clean because of issues I was still having with my hand.  I drilled mine stacked with a flare increasing WH though, don't do that, lol.
Hey, I am NOT Michael Jackson.  I like little GIRLS, not little boys . .

Rock on kitty.
Title: Re: How strong is the backend of the FIRED UP?
Post by: Billy Ray on June 14, 2005, 06:28:30 AM
I have two Fired up's one with a  5" pin down, cg down, no hole that clears the front nicely and makes a nice controlled arc on the backend and the other one is drilled stronger, 4" pin up,big hole down that still clears the front well but makes a more defined snap on the backend. both are very very nice reactions. These balls are some of my favorites.
Billy Ray