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Author Topic: Hy-Road VS Dimension  (Read 898 times)


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Hy-Road VS Dimension
« on: February 19, 2009, 08:29:25 AM »

I figured since I have both of these I would give a tiny review, First off my stats. Rev rate 300 Speed 16-17. Axis point 5 1/2 over 1/2 up, Roation 35 Deg.
So far Iv only threw these on a THS 39 Foot HPL9000 lanes, Started with the dimension, lined up with my feet on 33 Eyes on 18  bp was at 11, easy length strong midlane with plently of energy left for the breakpoint. I really liked how much this ball fliped over at the breakpoint most solids I tend to get a more rolly reaction It must be the weight hole Pos.

Second, the Hy-road from the same line tends to go to long with a more rolly reaction on the backend. A 6F 3E move off the dimension line brings this ball to life and delivers a strong arc to the pocket off the breakpoint.

Together these 2 balls provide a great combination even tho they are drilled very similar. I used weight hole Positions,RG's Diff's and Cover stock material, to seperate these to bowling balls in my arsenal.



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Re: Hy-Road VS Dimension
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 06:39:57 AM »
for anyone who cares this is the EXACT way my Dimension is drilled. It def is strong arc. Mine comes out 4 3/4 pin to PAP
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