How do these two balls compare with the same surface prep and drill pattern. I've heard that the Hy-Road is smoother overall, but then again the Hy-Road is a hybrid solid/pearl cover and the Rapid Fire Solid has a solid cover, which would lead me to believe the Hy-Road is actually more angular than the RF Solid.
I currently have the RF Solid, and have an undrilled RF Pearl, which I was thinking of selling and getting a Hy-Road instead (since it seems to be the hot storm ball right now). This is because I have heard the RF Pearl actually hooks earlier and is smoother than the RF Solid, and I have other equipment to fill that spot. I figured that since the Pearl had the same core and a pearl instead of a solid cover, it would naturally go longer, but I have heard otherwise by a few storm staffers themselves.
Thanks for any imput.