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Author Topic: Hyroad and Second Dimension compared to Cell Pearl  (Read 800 times)


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Hyroad and Second Dimension compared to Cell Pearl
« on: March 16, 2009, 05:26:03 AM »
Does anyone have one of these 2 balls and a Cell Pearl and is able to compare them please? Im in the air about which one I want to get, I already have a Cell Pearl and I want the reaction to go between that and my Complete NV. My Cell Pearl is drilled Skid/Flip and my Complete NV is drilled stacked. So definately going to need some comparisons here to make my decision easier. I am a high rev, high speed bowler. I am looking for something that will give me easy length and have a smooth predictable move on the backend and allow me to move left a little in heavier oil.

Thanks all.
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Re: Hyroad and Second Dimension compared to Cell Pearl
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 01:30:14 PM »
from what ive seen, the hyroad gets more length and is more angular than the other two, the cell pearl gets through the heads cleaner and is more of a length with strong roll ball, not jumpy at all and the 2nd dimension gets medium length and doesnt quite snap like the hyroad, but still makes that hard turn.  you would probably like the 2nd dimension, not having seen you bowl


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Re: Hyroad and Second Dimension compared to Cell Pearl
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 01:58:52 PM »
from what ive seen, the hyroad gets more length and is more angular than the other two, the cell pearl gets through the heads cleaner and is more of a length with strong roll ball, not jumpy at all and the 2nd dimension gets medium length and doesnt quite snap like the hyroad, but still makes that hard turn. you would probably like the 2nd dimension, not having seen you bowl

Decent summary.  HY-Road has the most length of the three, Cell Pearl is the earliest.  If I needed to buy a Storm ball that gave me easy length, smooth predictable backend and the ability to move in a bit I'd go with the 2nd Dimension.