I have both balls, but have not thrown them with the same surface to this point. I have my show off drilled with the standard higher track motion hole layout and is currently polished. Out of the box, it was really early off the spot - even with motion hole. However, I also threw it like this when it was still warm out and the lanes were hooking more.
My Nano is drilled with a 4x4x2 layout. Out of the box, it seemed to get a bit more length than what I remember the show off getting. If I were to guess, I'd say the show off is the stronger of the two, but I should also say that I'm throwing 14lbs. The differential is lower at 14lbs for the nano, while the show off remains the same from 14-16lbs.
My nano is now lane shined, so it is seeing better length and not quite as snappy off the spot. Definitely to my liking now. The show off is a good complement as a slight ball down. If you reverse the surfaces - especially if you throw 15 or 16, I would guess that the opposite would be true. At any rate, they seem pretty close to me. I should also mention that I have thrown them both on a 40ft sport shot as well. Definitely good complement there.
Another question would be, are you thinking a pin down lay out is stronger than pin up? Not necessarily the case.