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Author Topic: Hyroad pearl is too strong....  (Read 22107 times)


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Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:04:39 PM »
I currently have a Lucid and IQ pearl.  I usually start off the night with the Lucid and use it until the heads burn up.  I then switch to the Iq pearl.  As most people here already know the Iq pearl gets through the heads better and is stronger in the back.  It compliments the Lucid well for me.  The problem I sometimes run into is when the lanes are too burnt for the Iq.  I wanted a ball to switch to when that happens.  I have a bunch of older Visionary balls but they are mostly solids and are much more midlane type reactions.  I will use them on certain sport patterns but they don't work well with my Storm balls in terms of being able to switch to them.

So I went to my proshop and told him I was looking for a ball to go to when the Iq pearl was too strong.  He recommended the Hyroad Pearl.  I thought the Lights Out would have been a better option for what I was looking for but I took his advice and got the Hyroad pearl.  So far the Hyroad pearl is WAY too strong for what I wanted.  It is stronger than the Iq pearl.  In fact it is the strongest backend ball I have ever thrown. It is similar to the Iq pearl in the heads but it is stronger in the back. 

Now I don't know what to do.  Going from the Lucid to the Iq pearl works well for me.  Going to the Hyroad is a very different shot because the back end is so strong.  I already have a small hole punched in the side and I have scuffed it with 4000 then 3000.  It is still too strong for what I was looking for. 

Should I just give up on it and go with something much weaker?  I could always keep it for a very long sport pattern where the Iq pearl isn't quite turning the corner.  I don't know if it worth keeping just for that. 

Does anyone else here have the Iq pearl and the Hyroad pearl? 

If I didn't have the Iq pearl already I imagine I could keep screwing with the surface of the Hyroad pearl and eventually get it to work for me.  My gut feeling is if I do that I'm gonna end up with a ball almost identical to the Iq pearl.     



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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2013, 07:18:26 PM »
Maybe I am not a good enough bowler to be able to switch to a completely different line and ball mid game when I don't know what the ball is going to do.

I make adjustments the entire night. When I see a ball is starting to over or under react I adjust accordingly until there is no more room to adjust.  I then switch to a ball that will give me the reaction I am looking for. Knowing how much more or less the ball you switch to is going to react is critical.  Switching balls while also switching to a different line in the middle of third game is not something I would like to do.  All it takes is one split and I'm screwed. 

I don't go from swinging it out to ten then moving way left and swinging it out to 20.  Maybe your good enough to do that but I rarely see anyone change lines that drastically late in the night.  During the first game or during practice trying to figure out the lanes I have seen and I do the same thing.  But changing balls and lines drastically at the end of the night I rarely see anyone do.   

I guess. Hows the old saying go? "A man that never took a chance, never had a chance". One spilt doesn't "screw you" unless its in the 10th with a chance to win.
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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2013, 07:55:52 PM »
Don't miss understand me.  There are nights when the outside shot gets burned early and I have to make a giant adjustment and move way in.  But when that happens I do that with the current ball I am using first.  Then after a few shots I will switch balls if I need to. 

As of right now I just don't have a need for the Hyroad pearl because I like the Lucid and Iq pearl better.  I wanted something weaker than those two and that is not what the Hyroad pearl is. 


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2013, 08:23:44 PM »
Bottom line is you told your pro shop what you wanted and followed their advice. The outcome was not what you expected. I'm not sure why that has led to someone "blindly" insulting your supposed inability to move your feet or adjust your game???

Good luck on whatever you decide.


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2013, 08:56:14 PM »

Thanks but I don't take it personal. I assume he didn't mean it as an insult. I agree with you that I asked for something weaker and that is not what I got.  If someone here tells me the Hyroad pearl is weaker than the Iq pearl then I will eat crow.  So far everyone here agrees the Hyroad pearl is stronger and that is not what I asked for. 
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 09:22:48 PM by beeker »


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2013, 09:30:17 PM »
so this thread wasnt enough? you had to make a review bashing the ball saying basically the same thing you did in this thread?  :o


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2013, 09:34:53 PM »
I wasn't insulting him, if I was, believe me, it'd be clear as day.

Moving on, another option could be a Freak N Frantic. Less core and rolly for a pearl ball. I'd knock the surface off though if you went that route.
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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2013, 09:53:24 PM »
so this thread wasnt enough? you had to make a review bashing the ball saying basically the same thing you did in this thread?  :o

Your right. I haven't been on this site in years.  I found the ball review section before the forum. I could change my review of it but I think it might help some people who have a similar bag as me. If I would have came across a review describing the Hyroad pearl as stronger than Iq pearl I wouldn't have gotten it. 


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2013, 09:57:32 PM »
I am leaning towards the Lights Out at this point. That was my original gut feeling and it still appears to be worth a shot. 

If you had identical drillings of an Iq pearl and Lights Out how different do you think they will be? 

larry mc

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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2013, 10:17:08 PM »


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2013, 10:18:40 PM »
I am leaning towards the Lights Out at this point. That was my original gut feeling and it still appears to be worth a shot. 

If you had identical drillings of an Iq pearl and Lights Out how different do you think they will be? 

My Lights Out is earlier and smoother,  low pin/low hole &   3000 pad by hand. My IQTP has a high pin and 2000 pad by hand. The IQTP requires me to start a little further left and is more continuous. Neither ball is particularly great covering a lot of boards.
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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2013, 10:24:57 PM »
So your saying they are fairly close in overall reaction?  Should I go weaker than the Lights Out? Tropical Breeze maybe?

larry mc

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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2013, 10:34:48 PM »
So your saying they are fairly close in overall reaction?  Should I go weaker than the Lights Out? Tropical Breeze maybe?
there is a huge gap between those 2 , the supernatural would be a perfect step down 4 u


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2013, 12:51:29 AM »
In my bag and what I've been using just about all season long is a Natural, Lights Out, and IQTP.

All 3 use about the same drilling. I normally start the night out with the IQTP playing just inside the track on your THS. As the night goes on I will move left or right depending on what I see with the ball and who I'm bowling against. 70% of the time I don't need to make a ball change unless my pin carry is horrendously bad like tonight.

Anyway, the layout on all 3 balls is pin over ring finger (I'm a righty), CG slightly right on my IQTP and almost center of palm on the Lights Out, the Natural is laid out identical to the LO. I feel the 2 compliment each other extremely well. The last 3 nights I've shot 653, 660, 673 with that 2 ball combo. Tonight was a challenge just getting either ball to read the lanes at all.

Try a Lights Out before you go with a Supernatural, The SN will most likely not be enough ball for what you want it to do. You would most likely have to make a 5-7 board jump right with a Super Natural to even be in the ball park at the break point, then with as weak as the SN is you would probably have issues with pin carry. Tropical Breeze would be another option with a stronger layout.
Mike Zadler

larry mc

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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2013, 07:34:53 AM »
supernatural is alot stronger then the tropical breeze


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2013, 11:32:33 AM »
I emailed Storm and they confirmed the Hyroad pearl is stronger than the Iq pearl.  They basically described exactly what I am seeing.  The Hyroad pearl will go slightly longer and have a stronger reaction in the back. 

They told me if I want a ball for when the Iq pearl is too strong to either try a Lights Out with a weaker drilling than the Iq pearl or a Breeze with a similar drilling. 

This leads to me to believe the Iq pearl and Lights Out are very similar if they are drilled the same. 

Brunsmike, if you threw the exact same shot with the Iq pearl and then the Lights Out could you please describe the difference for me?  Since it sounds like you have them drilled fairly similar you probably can answer the question the best.