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Author Topic: Hyroad pearl is too strong....  (Read 22109 times)


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Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:04:39 PM »
I currently have a Lucid and IQ pearl.  I usually start off the night with the Lucid and use it until the heads burn up.  I then switch to the Iq pearl.  As most people here already know the Iq pearl gets through the heads better and is stronger in the back.  It compliments the Lucid well for me.  The problem I sometimes run into is when the lanes are too burnt for the Iq.  I wanted a ball to switch to when that happens.  I have a bunch of older Visionary balls but they are mostly solids and are much more midlane type reactions.  I will use them on certain sport patterns but they don't work well with my Storm balls in terms of being able to switch to them.

So I went to my proshop and told him I was looking for a ball to go to when the Iq pearl was too strong.  He recommended the Hyroad Pearl.  I thought the Lights Out would have been a better option for what I was looking for but I took his advice and got the Hyroad pearl.  So far the Hyroad pearl is WAY too strong for what I wanted.  It is stronger than the Iq pearl.  In fact it is the strongest backend ball I have ever thrown. It is similar to the Iq pearl in the heads but it is stronger in the back. 

Now I don't know what to do.  Going from the Lucid to the Iq pearl works well for me.  Going to the Hyroad is a very different shot because the back end is so strong.  I already have a small hole punched in the side and I have scuffed it with 4000 then 3000.  It is still too strong for what I was looking for. 

Should I just give up on it and go with something much weaker?  I could always keep it for a very long sport pattern where the Iq pearl isn't quite turning the corner.  I don't know if it worth keeping just for that. 

Does anyone else here have the Iq pearl and the Hyroad pearl? 

If I didn't have the Iq pearl already I imagine I could keep screwing with the surface of the Hyroad pearl and eventually get it to work for me.  My gut feeling is if I do that I'm gonna end up with a ball almost identical to the Iq pearl.     



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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2013, 11:47:09 AM »
Try the roto grip Wrecker.

Urethane Game

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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2013, 12:11:50 PM »
Perhaps a different company with a slower response cover than the HyRoad Pearl or any of its R2S cousins?


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2013, 02:12:23 PM »
supernatural is alot stronger then the tropical breeze

Not when I threw them.
The Breeze has more length but more backend, and slightly more overall hook.
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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2013, 02:13:19 PM »
Try the roto grip Wrecker.

Wrecker goes side ways.

The new pearl Rumble called the UpRoar would be a better option.

For the time being, go the other direction with your surface prep of the HyRoad. Smooth the cover with Storm step 3 compound, and then follow it up with some Moonshine or Xtra shine. Clog the pours some, so it isn't as responsive to the oil line. It will help it push longer and possibly help keep the ball in front of you. You have already changed the cover with surface, so it won't hurt to try going the other direction.
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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2013, 02:34:20 PM »
I am thinking of just keeping the Hyroad pearl the way it is and using it when I need something to go long and be very strong in the back.  I probably won't use it often but when I need to play deep inside and need something that can still turn the corner I'll give it a shot. 

I've been reading reviews all day.  I am leaning towards trying a Breeze and drilling it similar to my Iq pearl.  I know it will be a big step down from the Iq pearl but it might work well when the lanes are burnt.  The Lights Out seems like it will be too close to the Iq pearl.

I would like to stay with Storm.  I used Visionary exclusively for years.  Once I change companies I try to stay within their line.

It appears that 3 of the Breeze balls are all the same just different color.  One of them has a hybrid coverstock.  So I assume the 3 pearl coverstock ones all perform the same.   


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2013, 02:48:32 PM »
I am thinking of just keeping the Hyroad pearl the way it is and using it when I need something to go long and be very strong in the back.  I probably won't use it often but when I need to play deep inside and need something that can still turn the corner I'll give it a shot. 

I've been reading reviews all day.  I am leaning towards trying a Breeze and drilling it similar to my Iq pearl.  I know it will be a big step down from the Iq pearl but it might work well when the lanes are burnt.  The Lights Out seems like it will be too close to the Iq pearl.

I would like to stay with Storm.  I used Visionary exclusively for years.  Once I change companies I try to stay within their line.

It appears that 3 of the Breeze balls are all the same just different color.  One of them has a hybrid coverstock.  So I assume the 3 pearl coverstock ones all perform the same.   

In realty, that is what the HyRoad pearl is designed for. My suggestion was really only to make it useful for you.

Breeze is a BIG step down from the Tour Pearl.

Roto Grip and Storm come out of the same plant.
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #37 on: December 12, 2013, 02:58:21 PM »
I didn't know Roto Grip and Storm shared the same factory. 

I know I could keep changing the cover of the Hyroad Pearl to try to make it do something different just so it will fit what I was looking for.  I now think that will be fruitless.  Instead I will keep it for when I need what it does well, go long and turn the corner hard.  As of now I don't have much use for that but one day I might.  I can think of a few sport patterns that I bowled on this summer that it would have worked well on.

I will take a look at the Roto Grip line.


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #38 on: December 12, 2013, 03:33:03 PM »
I would think a Breeze could be too quick off the dry depending on your release. I love my Rumble for the conditions you describe. The hitting power is phenomenal yet the ball is smooth on the back. Strong controlled arc for me.

Jesse James

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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2013, 04:12:06 PM »
How is your Hy-Road pearl drilled in relation to your IQ pearl? The same? Or different? I could give you some re-drill ideas if you are wedded to keeping this ball.

If not, do you have to have another pearl? I like both the ideas of going to a Rumble or a Breeze, but you'd probably have to scuff the surface of the Breeze a bit to truly make it useable.
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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #40 on: December 12, 2013, 04:14:11 PM »
They are drilled similar with similar length pins.  I am not good with the terminology but the the Hyroad Pearl appears to be drilled slightly more agressive.  The proshop had to add a balance hole because it was over the legal side weight limit.

Is it possible to post pics here? 

Jesse James

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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #41 on: December 12, 2013, 04:27:47 PM »
Yes. I think you have to use the first square icon in the second row to do that.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #42 on: December 12, 2013, 04:40:26 PM »
Here is a pic of all three


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2013, 06:24:00 PM »
Are you open to trying new layouts?
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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #44 on: December 12, 2013, 06:34:30 PM »
I am going to discuss it with my proshop guy on monday night.  I am open to it but I am not sure if it is worth the effort. I am thinking I should leave it alone and use it when I need what it does well. I can always get something else that better fits what I need.


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Re: Hyroad pearl is too strong....
« Reply #45 on: December 12, 2013, 06:53:51 PM »
Why don't you  put a hole in it that will help with taming the backend reaction down.