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Author Topic: Hyroad replacement  (Read 4805 times)


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Hyroad replacement
« on: April 13, 2011, 09:49:08 AM »
My Hy-road is starting to crack at the finger plugs and the shop said it would not be a good idea to fix it. What would good replacement for the ball. I am  a tweener, 17-17.5mph, I dont have a lot of hand due some wrist issues, so I just need a good replacement.

Storm Virtual Gravity
Storm Hy-Road
Storm Tropical Storm
Hammer Vibe Onyx
Brunswick Spiral Viz-a-Ball



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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 06:01:12 PM »
I am know ball expert I have had 3 hyroads love and hate all of them.  I recently got the reign supreme and I think I like it more over all then hyroad more snappy in the backend.  Also just purchased tropical heat hybrid and that ball can be used on anything. I also so am a low rev player with wrist issues so I feel your pain. Both I think will work, or just buy another hyroad.  

Storm  (why throw anything else!)
Edited by rctc286 on 4/13/2011 at 6:04 PM

Xx 12 X 300 xX

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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2011, 06:27:43 PM »
If you like the ball, tell your pro shop to stop feeding you BS lines to get you to buy a new ball and FIX YOUR HY-ROAD.  It more than likely can be fixed.  You also can drill a new Hy-road.
Victory Road and Reign Supreme will be in the same category in type of ball.  
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 4/13/2011 at 8:11 PM


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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2011, 06:34:36 PM »
There is no substitute for the Hy-Road.  I tried the Reign Supreme and it gave me a few good sets but overall it is no substitute for a Hy-road.  I have heard the Victory Road is a viable choice, but I haven't seen a lot of them being thrown.  If you want a good substitute for your Hy-Road, go online or your local pro shop and order another one.  That's what I did.


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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2011, 07:04:18 PM »
IMHO, the Victory Road is everything the Hy Road is plus more power to the pocket.   The Victory road has great back end and maintains all of it's revs at the point of impact at the pocket.  See for yourself....


Just my 2 cents.




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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2011, 01:08:56 PM »
I think you can still buy Hy-Roads, so why not just get another one ? 


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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2011, 03:14:02 PM »
I was told they are no longer being made.

Storm Virtual Gravity
Storm Hy-Road
Storm Tropical Storm
Hammer Vibe Onyx
Brunswick Spiral Viz-a-Ball


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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2011, 04:32:17 PM »
Being made and being able to order one online/having your local pro shop talk with their distrubitor are 2 different things.  I talked with my local pro shop in February and they were able to get me one.  Looking online they are still available.


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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2011, 06:50:46 PM »
I have the Victory Road and Hy-Road drilled similar with the same surface prep and two very different balls for me. The Hy-Road is smoother because it digs into the lane earlier. The VR ignores the fronts and grabs a little bit in the mids, then goes nuts off the dry. I would say that the VR is a good ball to start league with fresh oil then switch to the HR when the lanes break down and become too violent.


In talking to my pro shop, the Reign Supreme isn't a perfect replacement, but its the next closest thing.


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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2011, 06:29:25 AM »
If you like the Hyroad...fix that one.  Unless the cracks are more than 3/4" from the fingers it can be fixed easily.  Your shop is trying to sell you something if that is the case.  If the cracks are that far and it's not repairable, then just drill another Hyroad.


I completely disagree with the Victory Road being better because it has "more power".  It's a different ball....different cover and different core dynamics.  Balls also don't have "power" they store energy.  If the Victory Road is hitting harder, it just means it is matched up better at that time, nothing more.


I have a Hyroad and Victory Road in my bag, and they compliment each other very well.  The Hyroad is great until the heads start to go, and then the Victory Road is the sauce.  When the heads are a little fried it gives me a similar shape to the Hyroad with a little more push through the fronts.


Hope this helps.

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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2011, 11:05:21 AM »
Hy-Roads are stll available, I just picked two up for the closet.

Question for those in the know, how would a Nomad Dagger compare to a Hy-Road?


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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2011, 11:14:33 AM »
From what I have seen it is a little more angular than the Hyroad, but as close as you can get w/o having the actual Hyroad in your hand.

thundercat23 wrote on 4/15/2011 11:05 AM:Hy-Roads are stll available, I just picked two up for the closet.

Question for those in the know, how would a Nomad Dagger compare to a Hy-Road?

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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2011, 12:26:15 PM »
A lot of people dont realize that a certain ball can be something completely different for different people/conditions. I don't get a chance to throw my Hy-Road or Victory Road in much oil by me, but if/when I do get a chance I'm sure the Hy-Road would cover more boards due to the hybrid coverstock compared to the VR pearl coverstock. For now, my VR is storing way too much energy for the backend and explodes too violently for me to consistantly control. I find that having the Hy-Road burn some energy before it hits the dry makes it smoother and more controllable without sacrificing pin carry.

Russell wrote on 4/15/2011 6:29 AM:
If you like the Hyroad...fix that one.  Unless the cracks are more than 3/4" from the fingers it can be fixed easily.  Your shop is trying to sell you something if that is the case.  If the cracks are that far and it's not repairable, then just drill another Hyroad.


I completely disagree with the Victory Road being better because it has "more power".  It's a different ball....different cover and different core dynamics.  Balls also don't have "power" they store energy.  If the Victory Road is hitting harder, it just means it is matched up better at that time, nothing more.


I have a Hyroad and Victory Road in my bag, and they compliment each other very well.  The Hyroad is great until the heads start to go, and then the Victory Road is the sauce.  When the heads are a little fried it gives me a similar shape to the Hyroad with a little more push through the fronts.


Hope this helps.

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Re: Hyroad replacement
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2011, 01:51:11 PM »
The Victory Road is much more like the T-Road Pearl than the Hy-Road.  I think that I'm going to buy a couple of these online to hold onto while I still can.   If you really can't find one or don't want a ball that is no longer being made, you could go with a Reign Supreme, Nomad Dagger (Roto) or wait a few months for the Hybrid with the Victory Road core that is likely coming.  None of these will be exactly the same look as the Hy-Road, but all of them will be in the neighborhood.