
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: toomanytenpins on August 26, 2011, 09:46:42 AM

Title: I have seen the error of my ways
Post by: toomanytenpins on August 26, 2011, 09:46:42 AM
I had a virtual gravity and I hated it. I changed the surface redrilled it and changed the surface again and it never amounted to anything but disapointment,so I sold it. I was throwing 15 then and probably throwing pretty bad at that.

    I changed some things in my game and one night threw a teamates vg. I was shocked at how much this ball moved and how well it carried. I had never seen anyrthing like this from the one I had.

    I picked up a used one from ebay a little while ago and,this ball is phenomenal. I was shocked. I know I bad mouthed it atime or two and probably got told to get lessons and such. I guess I was right when I said that lower level balls are better for lower level bowlers and I guess I am one. I know its late and the vg is almost passed its time,but anyone considering getting rid of one cause you dont like it,dont,work on your game and let your game come to the ball,and this might not be true for every ball I havent liked but the vg is definetly a ball I am glad I was wrong about.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling
Title: Re: I have seen the error of my ways
Post by: duvallite on August 26, 2011, 09:51:30 PM
I'm curious.  What was the difference between the VG you like so much now and the one you had that was a dud  for you?  Did the new one have a layout that you hadn't tried before?  Was it just that you had changed something in your technique?

Edited by duvallite on 8/27/2011 at 2:28 PM
Title: Re: I have seen the error of my ways
Post by: Norm3v on August 27, 2011, 08:48:13 AM
Same here brother, got rid of my VG and Reign because I was just getting back in the game and couldn't figure them out. Big mistake, can't wait to get a Nano.

Title: Re: I have seen the error of my ways
Post by: toomanytenpins on September 16, 2011, 12:52:35 PM
I think I may have changed some things about my game. I had a few drills on my original and I also moved to 16 lbs,however,when I decided to give it another try it was after I had thrown a friends 15 pound ball. The reaction I got from his ball was like night and day over the one I had. I guess it could have been me all along,I dont know if you can get a bad ball in a batch,I have had a few. For instance,I have a taboo thats not as good a ball as my rising star and the rising star is my primary. I havent seen a shot I can throw the vg on so I dont even use it,I use the taboo when the lanes break down too much for the rising,the taboo is a toss up between it and my easy flip ball from linds,go figure.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling