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Author Topic: I Need A New Ball!!!  (Read 977 times)


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I Need A New Ball!!!
« on: March 23, 2005, 07:31:38 PM »
I feel like a dork admitting it, but i don't know jack about bowling balls.  When you start talkin pin position and 3" this and mass bias that i get totally lost.  I'm a good bowler (just shy of 190 avg) and can read and adjust to the lanes and all that, but I've been lookin at new balls online for weeks now and I can't make up my mind.  I think its because I don't have a f-in clue what I'm supposed to be lookin for.  I have a very orthodox throw.  Right-handed.  I start my approach slightly left of the center dot and play around the second arrow with a nice arc on the backend.  I use a Track Critical Mass that I've had for probly around 10yrs.  I love this ball and am very attached to it but it's on its last leg and is gonna have to retire soon (I might cry).  Anyway, I'm hopin with this info someone can give me some suggestions or at least give me an idea of what specs to look for in a new ball (rg, hook potential, and all that other stuff) I would greatly appreciate it


Burak Natal

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Re: I Need A New Ball!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2005, 04:40:16 AM »

I know many will suggest this ball and that ball etc here..
BUT you are not providing enough details about your game and the condition you are bowling on. It is impossible to make proper suggestions without knowing your exact specs, even without watching you bowling.

I suggest you go to a experienced drilled, let him/her watch your game and suggest you accordingly.
If you do not have a chance to do that (I doubt it, though) please let us know your:
Axis rotation, tilt, rave rate, PAP, speed and what kinda conditions you are encountering. More than likely, you will need to get help from a proshop operator to know these specs.

You can also tell which balls other bowlers similar to your style are bowling with (on the same condition). This could give an idea to those who will suggest.


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Re: I Need A New Ball!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2005, 07:13:01 PM »
As Burak said, you aren't giving us much info to go on. But, IMO, I'd tell you to look at the Columbia Panic & Super Trooper, Storm Flash Point & Hybrid, Ebonite V2 Sweet, Hammer Switch Blade, Track Crash. You need to look at the RG's and diff. find a chart that shows the reaction, understand what "Flare" is and look at the amount of revs and hand action you have. What would work for me, might not for you. I have low revs and very little hand, but that's why each company makes so many balls, one for every type of bowler.

Not much help, sorry, but without much info, no much to go on.

Good Luck !
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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