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Author Topic: I need some help....  (Read 1067 times)


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I need some help....
« on: March 27, 2009, 07:10:13 PM »
Hi everyone. I just found out that my jolt solid has a crack going from the ring finger straight and down just a little for about 5 inches, the crack is only in the coverstock. So I drilled a small hole just at the end of the crack and so far it has not cracked any more. But, here's my problem, this ball has a 1 1/4 inch pin drilled 5 x 4 1/2 pin under ring and I really love the reaction that it gives me. Do you think that this ball can be saved? And if it can not, would it be better to try to find another jolt soild with a 1-1 1/2 inch pin or get a street rod solid with a 1-1 1/2 inch pin? My stats are in my profile. I need some suggestions as soon as possible, thanks Josh
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Maine Man

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Re: I need some help....
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2009, 03:36:56 AM »
Hopefully I can help you out a bit.  If the Jolt you have is still useable, keep using it until it gets to the point where it is not fixable anymore.  I have a No Mercy that has a crack that runs along the pin, but it hasn't gotten any worse for over 6 months, so I keep using it and it works very well for me.  This may be the case with your Jolt, it could last another two years, or crack the next time you throw it, it's too hard to tell exactly how long you have with balls that have cracks already in them.  So, keep throwing it until it is unusable, that is the first thing to do.

Secondly, I would find another Jolt in the meantime, preparing for the day that the other one finally cracks and dies completely.  This way, you already have a replacement ball ready to go, and you know you like the reaction it gives you, so that is one less factor to worry about with the new ball.  Just find a Jolt with similar specs and punch it up when the time comes.  Don't wait too long, as the Jolts are getting harder to find, so to get one with the EXACT spec's you're looking for is going to get harder the longer you wait.

Thirdly, and this is completely up to you, if you want to update to a newer Storm ball that has similar numbers to the Jolt solid, I would look at the Street Rod solid (as you mentioned, good call btw).  This ball has an rg avg. of 2.55 (Jolt is 2.54), and the diff. is 0.038 (Jolt is 0.035), those numbers are VERY close.  The Jolt originally came at a 1500 matte finish, and the Street Rod comes in at 2000 abralon, so they are pretty darn close across the board.  This is just another option for you to consider, but you may have an easier time finding a Street Rod solid with the spec's you want simply because it is a newer ball in the Storm lineup.  Good luck, I hope this helps!
James Goulding
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Re: I need some help....
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2009, 02:27:39 PM »
Thanks Maine Man for your input. I am going to start asking around to see if anyone on here has a jolt soild with a 1 - 1/2 inch pin with around 3 oz of top weight then also ebay to see what I can find on there as well

If you haven't yet, drill a small hole just at the end of the crack, that should keep it from growing any more.

It's a really cool reaction that I get from my jolt with this layout, it roles in the middle part of the lane(because of the short pin) then either hooks hard or archs depending on the axis rotation that I put on it. It works pretty good on a house shot though

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Re: I need some help....
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2009, 05:03:58 PM »
take it to your pro shop have them sand a small groove down the lengh of the crack(with bevel sander) not deep and fill it with clear plugging the plugging will go into the crack sealing it then resurface good as new  i've done three this year and thier still going
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Re: I need some help....
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2009, 05:44:07 PM »
Thanks knobs for the info, I am going in on Monday after work to see what my driller can do and I will bring up the idea to him, thanks Josh
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