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Author Topic: Ball Advice?  (Read 1167 times)


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Ball Advice?
« on: October 18, 2007, 01:50:08 PM »
I currently have 2 balls.
#1 Thunderstruck Solid.
#2 Columbia Rock On.

I'm interested in picking up a Special Agent.  But maybe it fills the same role as my Rock On?

The house I play at puts out a fairly oily pattern, probably medium-heavy (ball comes back soaked).  Also, it is either longer than normal THS, or lots of carrydown.  With my Thunderstruck it will usually skate too far and not make it to the pocket.  Both balls are OOB cover.

I throw around 17mph, with medium revs (I don't know the number)

The Rock On will read the lane sooner, and find the pocket.  I can usually play 12-6 with it, whereas the Thunderstruck if I play straight up 5, it might make it, might not.

Would you get the Special Agent, or do you feel the Rock On overlaps with it, and choose a different ball for a different ball reaction instead?




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Re: Ball Advice?
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2007, 03:15:59 PM »
i would think that with the right layout the special agent should give you a lot more hook and able you to play a little deeper than you can with your rock on, but you should also look into the secret agent or perhaps the epic quest by roto both balls ar great on oil and they roll good or they will flat out hook depends on how you drill them

Brandon Riley

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Re: Ball Advice?
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2007, 02:55:45 AM »
Try a Paradigm Passion.
Mine is amazingly strong in the midlane and should let you play even deeper than your Rock On.
Brandon Riley
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff