Got a Sure lock a few weeks ago. Like the ball a lot but i need something a little less aggressive for medium-medium/heavyconditions...something that wont burn up. My sure lock doesnt really burn up on these conditions but i want something a little bit more playable. I dont generate a ton of revs (low to average revs) and my speed is average at 15mph-ish. I generally play pretty strait angles but im starting to try to learn how to move in to create a better angle. So i guess i want something with a little more length and a more definded back end (i dont think pearls would match my game tho). Idk whether to go with a slightly weaker solid or go to a hybrid matte. I like the matte finish it seems. Whats something under the sure lock but still pretty strong, as i generally need stronger stuff than what the lane normally would require. Id prefer storm/roto line but really im open to anything.
Ive been researching DD Trick, dv8 grudge hybrid, timeless (although not so much now after reading the reviews on here), dv8 vandal smash/destroy, track cyborg, paradox trilogy. Again tho, im open to whatevs