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invasion drilling
« on: February 05, 2010, 04:36:37 AM »
Has anyone used the 4x4x3 drilling on the invasion yet


lil League Coach

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Re: invasion drilling
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 07:46:26 PM »
I drilled a 4x4x3 for a guy that will be using it super bowl sunday. If you can hold off I will get back to you the reaction I see. The bowler has a PAP of 4" no up/dwn.
 Vise Grip Staff "choice of champions"
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Re: invasion drilling
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2010, 02:29:29 AM »
There was a guy who had a higher rev rate and speed who drilled one of these balls like 4 x 4 x 2 with an extra hole and it wasn't turning the corner for him at all. He was wanting to use this ball on the heavier pba patterns. However, it was flaring too much hence the reason for having not very much backend.

But, we need to know some basics about your game, like pap, rev rate, speed and axis tilt before we can further help you. If you have a lower rev rate like in the mid 250's and speed more around medium, I would definitely do a pin up at 5 inches from your pap because this ball is really strong up front and in the mid lane from what I have seen in some videos. But let us know about your specs so we can better help you.
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Re: invasion drilling
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2010, 06:32:25 AM »
I would be very careful drilling an INVASION this strong -- as noted by others, this strong a drilling may result in the ball using all of its energy early and having nothing left for the back-end.  Then you hear, "This ball doesn't hook at all."

A pin of around 5 inches is going to allow it to retain a lot more energy.

lil League Coach

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Re: invasion drilling
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2010, 08:46:22 AM »
Riggs I 100% agree. Im one that preaches this strong ball weaker pin to pap = much greater reaction in most cases. But I had a customer get his hands on the drill sheet in the box and he said this is what he wants.. I tried saying something like a 5  x  45deg MB but as we all know we cant argue with the customer because they are always right. We spoke about it this philosophy for about 15 minutes and he said he wants the 4x4x3... although the guy has an awkward style. Above avg Revs, Low speed, tons of loft.
 Vise Grip Staff "choice of champions"
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Re: invasion drilling
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2010, 09:01:20 AM »
Riggs I 100% agree. Im one that preaches this strong ball weaker pin to pap = much greater reaction in most cases. But I had a customer get his hands on the drill sheet in the box and he said this is what he wants.. I tried saying something like a 5  x  45deg MB but as we all know we cant argue with the customer because they are always right. We spoke about it this philosophy for about 15 minutes and he said he wants the 4x4x3... although the guy has an awkward style. Above avg Revs, Low speed, tons of loft.
 Vise Grip Staff "choice of champions"
Keglers Pro Shop - Owner (

Well if that is what the customer wants then do it for him....let him see for himself the stall reaction we know might result. Hopefully his loft helps it down the lane enough. If not you can alter the cover once (if) it seems to be fading on the back.

Customer is always right, right?

I have had experiences where you talk someone into something yoy KNOW would be better for them only to have them end with a stubborn mental block and hate the ball.

Give em what he explained things, gave him your expert opinion, now let him see for himself.

lil League Coach

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Re: invasion drilling
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2010, 09:42:38 AM »
and thats pretty much what he said.. "im paying the money for this ball and this is what I want".  In the past I have drilled a VG and SR2 and a TR2 with this drilling and they all rolled real well for him Im leaning because of his loft. Although he does have right philosphy about this ball and layout.. he said he only wants it for Nationals and other heavier volume tournies.
 Vise Grip Staff "choice of champions"
Keglers Pro Shop - Owner (

Edited on 2/6/2010 10:43 AM


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Re: invasion drilling
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2010, 09:48:49 AM »
and thats pretty much what he said.. "im paying the money for this ball and this is what I want".  In the past I have drilled a VG and SR2 and a TR2 with this drilling and they all rolled real well for him Im leaning because of his loft. Although he does have right philosphy about this ball and layout.. he said he only wants it for Nationals and other heavier volume tournies.
 Vise Grip Staff "choice of champions"
Keglers Pro Shop - Owner (

Edited on 2/6/2010 10:43 AM

Yeah I've seen a lot of guys with loft be able to make strong stuff still look good. If the other stuff worked probably so will the Invasion. It is a strong ball but not ridiculously more than a VG imo. Plus the intermediate diff is weaker so core wise it shouldn't check up so hard off the dry as to kill it completely.

Good luck.