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Author Topic: Invasion Layout Help  (Read 11685 times)


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Invasion Layout Help
« on: March 03, 2010, 02:44:46 PM »
Hello, I just recently purchased the Storm Invasion ball online. I decided to take some time to research the best layout for my style of play. I will of course consult with my driller but just wanted a second opinion.

My style of play is down and in. I am a low-med rev stroker and play straight up boards 5-10. I generally like a very strong backend reaction. My speed is about 15-16mph. My PAP is 4 3/4 x 1/4.

Looking at the lightning strike drilling guide I was interested in possibly using the 4x4x2 or 4x4x1 layout. I am looking for something I get straight down and then have a strong reaction on the backend. The pin on the ball is 2.5-3 inches.

Any advise you could give would be awesome.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: Invasion Layout Help
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2010, 07:18:21 AM »
Despite some warnings about going with 4x4x2 my driller suggested we try going with I just have to go roll this thing and see what happens. There are a few houses in my area that will have a good amount of oil so I hope this ball will work well for league night and the tourneys.

Just be careful with driller recommendations. I have found that many drillers are afraid to drill any ball weaker than maximum hook potential for fear of complaints. Hopefully your driller at least took some input from you as to your style and perhaps even watched you bowl.
Hope your ball works well for you.

Yeah you are correct. When I dropped the ball off last week I was lucky enough to catch the driller at a time when he wasn't super busy. I discussed my style of play and what I wanted out of the ball. He took that all into consideration and this is the outcome. So, now I just have to wait until I use it during a sweeper on Sunday.

I will give my findings after league on Tuesday night. By then I should have a decent feel for what is to come....I hope!


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Re: Invasion Layout Help
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2010, 09:46:59 AM »
That's because 4x4x2 is WAY too strong for a ball as nuclear as the INVASION for MOST bowlers.

I have put about 3 sets of lines on my invasion and still haven't put holes in it.  I currently have two VG's.  one with pin above ring/key in 45* position/small hole just inside VAL/2000 abralon. the other is pin under bridge/key in 30* position/hole on axis/500 abralon.  The first one was my first, I've been bowling on a soaked house shot and could not get it to wrinkle.  I drilled the 2nd one and it started up a bit sooner (obviously) but it still didn't make the corner.

I just want the invasion to be stronger and much more continuous.  I was originally going to do a 5x4 pin over, hole down VAL.  After discussing with some locals and every one of them seems to think its just NOT that strong, not as much as their virtuals and mutants.  I tried explaining the ball is probably burning up.  I HAD to see it, so i watched a few sessions and the ball is not losing energy, i think they drilled them too weak.

SO, my questions is, for a heavier pattern should i do a 4 1/2 or 5 pin down?  What works well for you.

stats:  17mph, 350 rev rate, axis just taken off a ball and came back 5 1/2 over x 3/4up.

thanks for any advice.  

In my experience, most bowlers drill today's strongest bowling balls FAR TOO AGGRESSIVELY.

thats what i thought too

This leads to their balls burning up before they even get to the breakpoint in many cases! Then they say thing like "This ball stinks" and "This ball doesn't hook at all."  No, it is done hooking at the arrows.

like i was trying to explain to my opponents.
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH


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Re: Invasion Layout Help
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2010, 12:46:10 PM »
I finally got a chance to roll the Invasion. The house where I practiced had a decent amount of oil out in which allowed me to use the ball for a short period of time. The reaction I got with this ball was just great. It cleared the heads with no problem and had a nice midlane read until it reached the backend. The movement to the pocket was in a very smooth arc.

The carry seems to be great too, I just hope it continues...(knock on wood!)

The true test was later on in the same day when I took it to my Sunday eve PBAx league. I used it during the 1st game which was on the Chameleon pattern. Once I got lined up..the ball was GREAT! I was able to mis right just a board or two and still recover back to the pocket as long as my speed was not too excessive. For game #2 I decided to put it away and go to my Cell Pearl since the backend started to come alive more.

On Tuesday night things seemed to be a little bit more challenging for some reason. The pair I was on was a hand full. Left lane was money and the right lane was a nightmare. Seemed like the right lane was flooded a bit more and I could not find any friction anywhere. I was thinking the Invasion would perform a little better (or me) but I could not get any movement unless I threw as slow as I could. After seeing this, I think I might bring the cover down to 2000 grit abralon and see how that does.

Most of my equipment is between 1000 - 2000 grit abralon since I am 'rev' challenged. Once I play with the cover for a bit I think this might be my new favorite ball. Overall I think the Invasion is awesome and will get another soon and possible drill it to start up earlier.