
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: guffnuh on May 25, 2011, 05:54:32 PM

Title: Invasion Nano?
Post by: guffnuh on May 25, 2011, 05:54:32 PM
Excuse me sir, would you like some more roll-out?

The only things that are truly permanent are death and Sharpies.

I believe when you lower your expectations, you only increase your chances xD
Title: Re: Invasion Nano?
Post by: Sab_LeB_300 on May 26, 2011, 04:21:10 AM
My bet would be that it's an overseas release, they have already came out with a domination Nano as well as a marvel with a Nano cover... too bad they aren't pushing these releases here, but it would just be something to overlap the VGN



Title: Re: Invasion Nano?
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on May 26, 2011, 11:10:06 AM
Oh dear god no....


I'd rather see a Virtual Energy or Hy-Road nano.  Actually, I want to see one.  :-)

I stone 8s and 9s like its cool...
Title: Re: Invasion Nano?
Post by: Norm3v on May 26, 2011, 12:54:41 PM
From what I can tell from all of the years of seeing these overseas releases is that ball companies use the overseas market as a testing ground for different core/cover/finish combinations. Then use real life feedback to use on the US market balls. Now, I could be wrong if the overseas market brings in more cash for them than the US market, then if thats the case then I have no idea why they give the overseas peeps such cool toys lol.


I wonder how this ball would work on your THS here in the states compared to the original Invasion? I'm guessing like guff said, would probably roll out on anything except heavy oil, which most of us don't see on regular occasions.

Title: Re: Invasion Nano?
Post by: AllAirForceTwice on May 27, 2011, 11:26:55 AM
A pearl R3X cover wrapped around a Centripetal Core would be cool methinks...