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Author Topic: Invasion not what I expected  (Read 13531 times)


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Invasion not what I expected
« on: January 31, 2010, 06:12:09 AM »
I recently got my Invasion... Drilled it 4x4x1 as noted for hi rev and speed bowler. The ball is barely having any reaction. Took the surface down to 2000 and it had some life. I am now debating taking the surface down to 1000.

Any suggestions before I contact Storm?

I purchased the ball for use on heavy oil PBA pattern and tournament patterns. Now is the time I need this ball. I can't afford to wait for a replacement.
Brandon Joseph
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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2010, 09:51:48 PM »
your ball is probably drilled too strong. I had this same thing happen to me with a bounty hunter and the ball was just burning up and being dead by the end of the lane. The ball's cover is so strong, that people dont need to put a strong drill pattern on it, just have the mb in a strong spot. Currently using a bw solid dilled 5X4 pin over bridge, mb right of thumb about 1/2 inch, with a very small weight hole. This ball does more than any other of my heavy oil balls, which were all drilled 4X4.


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #32 on: February 03, 2010, 02:16:46 PM »
Yeah man, just because the drilling guide sais that, doesn't mean that's the look you're going to get, or what you really want.

You should learn a litle about ball layouts, your PAP, and the sweet spots to place your pin for your style.  MB is fairly important,  but not as important as CG location which ends up giving you your static weight.  Pin to PAP is the most important, that's where you get length and can really control the hook you get.

Don't worry about it, we all learn the hard way.

Just because a ball is drilled to hook doesn't mean it will.  If you can get some hand in the ball you need longer pin distances such as 4.5-5.5 inches.  Possibly even 6  These layouts add fingerweight, which increase length.  On most house shots, again, I say HOUSE shots this gives you better skid through the heads and a stronger move on the backend.

Drill the ball 5.5 x 5 and just watch it rip the cover off on the backend.

I have a 4x4, 5x3, and 5x4, all drilled pin over.  My overall favorite is the  5x3 on my virtual energy.  It's not a strong layout by any means, but the ball gets length, revs up really fast, and stores plenty of energy for a very strong arc to the pocket on the backed.  4x4 gives me the most continuous hook throughout the lane if the oil and surface is right, and the 5x4 gives me lots of length with a quick and angular reaction.

You can learn just about everything on ball layouts in just a matter of hours.
-John B.
734 high series, 278 high game  

Really enjoyin' the Virtual Energy and Mutant Cell right now


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2010, 02:40:08 PM »
Yeah man, just because the drilling guide sais that, doesn't mean that's the look you're going to get, or what you really want.

You should learn a litle about ball layouts, your PAP, and the sweet spots to place your pin for your style.  MB is fairly important,  but not as important as CG location which ends up giving you your static weight.  Pin to PAP is the most important, that's where you get length and can really control the hook you get.

Don't worry about it, we all learn the hard way.

Just because a ball is drilled to hook doesn't mean it will.  If you can get some hand in the ball you need longer pin distances such as 4.5-5.5 inches.  Possibly even 6  These layouts add fingerweight, which increase length.  On most house shots, again, I say HOUSE shots this gives you better skid through the heads and a stronger move on the backend.

Drill the ball 5.5 x 5 and just watch it rip the cover off on the backend.

I have a 4x4, 5x3, and 5x4, all drilled pin over.  My overall favorite is the  5x3 on my virtual energy.  It's not a strong layout by any means, but the ball gets length, revs up really fast, and stores plenty of energy for a very strong arc to the pocket on the backed.  4x4 gives me the most continuous hook throughout the lane if the oil and surface is right, and the 5x4 gives me lots of length with a quick and angular reaction.

You can learn just about everything on ball layouts in just a matter of hours.
-John B.
734 high series, 278 high game  

Really enjoyin' the Virtual Energy and Mutant Cell right now

Maybe you should take some of your own advise, statics weights mean about as much as the color of your grips.


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2010, 03:23:07 PM »
You should learn a litle about ball layouts, your PAP, and the sweet spots to place your pin for your style. MB is fairly important,  but not as important as CG location which ends up giving you your static weight .  Pin to PAP is the most important, that's where you get length and can really control the hook you get.
-John B.
734 high series, 278 high game

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Monster Pike

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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2010, 03:27:54 PM »
Uhh, how bout taking that to the misc bowling forum....
Monster Pike

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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2010, 03:40:18 PM »
You should learn a litle about ball layouts, your PAP, and the sweet spots to place your pin for your style.  MB is fairly important,  but not as important as CG location which ends up giving you your static weight.

Okie dokie.

You can learn just about everything on ball layouts in just a matter of hours.

Seriously?  EVERYTHING in an matter of hours?
Proshop Operator
North Bowl Bowling Center
ctwings10--"Here's the problem with any retail service - You can't fix stupid."


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2010, 03:50:24 PM »
My suggestion...

Put a piece of white tape on your PAP..

Throw the ball and watch and see how fast the tape migrates...

If it is burning early you will see the tape move very quickly..

If it is...polish..

If not....more surface...

Invasion is a serious strong ball and my "guess" would be serious burnout.

If it is burnout due to such a strong layout...may I suggest this??

From 2009 Brunswick Layouts...

Mid Lane Hook and Backend

Asymmetric Core

Best Pin Out Distance to use" 0 to 3 1/2
Locator Pin/PSA/MB at 60 Degrees
Pin Below Fingers - VAL angle at 70 Degrees
5 inch PIN TO PAP for Medium Track...1/2 up or down if high or low track
This layout helps bowlers open up the mid-lane and recover on heavy carrydown
Responds to the lane soon
Responds slow to friction
If X hole needed...draw line from Center of Grip through CG and place on VAL

A favorite layout for fresh PBA And Sport Conditions

I have put this layout on my Mutant Cell and it is something else...

Hope this helps!

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2010, 03:56:20 PM »
You should learn a litle about ball layouts, your PAP, and the sweet spots to place your pin for your style. MB is fairly important, but not as important as CG location which ends up giving you your static weight. Pin to PAP is the most important, that's where you get length and can really control the hook you get.

You must have been in a lane#1 pro

Other than the pin, the MB is the strongest influence on ball motion and reaction..

Yes. it's I, the Inverted One..


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2010, 08:23:48 PM »
strong layouts on a ball that already hooks a ton for high rev players is going to cause very early burn up.

I wish more people understood this.  This guy I know, strong as an ox with a ton of revs and speed, has a Morich Awesome Hook, drilled very strong, which he sands every week before league with what looks like 60 grit sandpaper (OK, maybe 400 but still too rough of a grit)...our shot has been abnormally dry for a while now...anyway, he wonders why his ball doesn''t hook like he thinks it should.  I''ve tried explaining it but he doesn''t understand the "losing energy" part of the equation.  Sad and funny all rolled into one...
That which doesn''t kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn''t make you stronger is a waste of time!

Edited on 2/3/2010 9:25 PM


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2010, 10:45:33 PM »
What's so wrong with this post?

Ever tried to roll a ball with an ounce and a half of sideweight?  I have, rolls crazy early.  If mass bias was so important, every ball would have one, symettrical balls do not as we all know.  Placing the CG to shift weight is going to move the mass bias as well so....

Whatever guys.

I'm not completely ignorant when it comes to this.

You should learn a litle about ball layouts, your PAP, and the sweet spots to place your pin for your style. MB is fairly important,  but not as important as CG location which ends up giving you your static weight .  Pin to PAP is the most important, that's where you get length and can really control the hook you get.
-John B.
734 high series, 278 high game

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-John B.
734 high series, 278 high game  

Really enjoyin' the Virtual Energy and Mutant Cell right now


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2010, 10:49:19 PM »
Read my post again, I stated almost everything.

Bowling ball layouts isn't rocket science dude.  There are really only 5 basic ball reactions and 3 types of bowlers.

Gimme a break and stop being so self righteous

You should learn a litle about ball layouts, your PAP, and the sweet spots to place your pin for your style.  MB is fairly important,  but not as important as CG location which ends up giving you your static weight.

Okie dokie.

You can learn just about everything on ball layouts in just a matter of hours.

Seriously?  EVERYTHING in an matter of hours?
Proshop Operator
North Bowl Bowling Center
ctwings10--"Here's the problem with any retail service - You can't fix stupid."

-John B.
734 high series, 278 high game  

Really enjoyin' the Virtual Energy and Mutant Cell right now


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #42 on: February 03, 2010, 11:41:38 PM »
What's so wrong with this post?

Ever tried to roll a ball with an ounce and a half of sideweight?  I have, rolls crazy early.  If mass bias was so important, every ball would have one, symettrical balls do not as we all know.  Placing the CG to shift weight is going to move the mass bias as well so....

Whatever guys.

I'm not completely ignorant when it comes to this.

You should learn a litle about ball layouts, your PAP, and the sweet spots to place your pin for your style. MB is fairly important,  but not as important as CG location which ends up giving you your static weight .  Pin to PAP is the most important, that's where you get length and can really control the hook you get.
-John B.
734 high series, 278 high game

runs and hide from future posts being made about the above statment

-John B.
734 high series, 278 high game  

Really enjoyin' the Virtual Energy and Mutant Cell right now

Yeah....actually you are very ignorant in your posts. Please do everyone a favor and quit commenting on things you know nothing about. Learn something and then comeback maybe.


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2010, 11:49:08 PM »
i was having the same problem, but once i broke a track in it started moving A LOT. this thing is ridiculous, i measured my flare, exactly 8 inches XD
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What's the difference between ignorance and apathy?

I don't know and I don't care!


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #44 on: February 04, 2010, 04:50:07 AM »
What Big Ragu said is absolutely correct!!!!


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Re: Invasion not what I expected
« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2010, 06:00:19 AM »
i have to say honestly i may have made the strong drill on strong ball mistake. I had my vg drilled pin just right of ring finger and under,with cg just right of thumb. I tried all kind of surfaces and it was just a 10 pin monster. I redrilled it with the pin over middle and cg further right and all that did was made me have to move further right to get to the pocket ,to leave the 10 pin.
    The other day i was practicing on a very tight shot ,using the vg trying to figure out how to carry the 10,nothing was working.I polished it and thats when it started to carry. I am a stroker,low speed and revs and i see where i just couldn't get enough on the ball to get it down lane before it burned up. Morale of the story is,if you buy a strong ball and intend to use it in league drill it weak if not hold it until you need it and dont complain when it wont work on your ths.
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