What are the differences in a Flash Flood (ball I am using now) vs. Reign of Fire (ball I am thinking of getting)? I asked a guy a pro shop...he started throwing so much lingo at me he started sounding like Boomhauer from King of the Hill.
I throw medium speed, and throw a 16 lb ball, but will prob get a 15 lb'r.
And another question, does it matter where on the ball its drilled?
I currently use a 16 lb Flash Flood a friend gave me (from the USBC 2009 in Vegas, I was working there, not bowling). It fit my grip almost perfectly, so I started using it...I had not bowled in a league for 15 years lol, so I started up again. My current avg is about 170-175. My speed is medium and I usually like to throw a hook starting at the 2nd arrow from right (I am right handed over)...my shot I like is more of a hook than a curve.
Thank you