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Author Topic: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire  (Read 3279 times)


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Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:47:44 AM »
Could one compare the 2 ball for me?  I am really new to the storm balls but the Invasion has got me excited and thinking about changing to all storm if they all feel as good in my hand...  I just need alittle information when comparing the 2 balls...



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Re: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 09:11:41 AM »
Seems like alot of people dont have both -- interesting... Thanks for the help

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Re: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2011, 09:43:59 AM »
I was excited about the Invasion too.  However, unless I put high polish on it, it burned up on me way too early on a multitude of patterns.  Adding polish defeated the primary purpose I was looking for.  The reign of fire was more versatile for me and read patterns so much cleaner and better.  I just recently got another ROF and made it my heaviest/longest oil ball.


The Invasion is too much ball for my style, and it will vary from person to person.

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Re: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2011, 10:02:12 AM »
Invasion will be earlier, smoother, and cover more boards overall. Being a two hander as well, i barely get to use my 4000 polished pin up Anarchy. I have it just in case i hit a sport pattern that is super tight or has a lot of volume. Haven't seen either yet....

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Re: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2011, 12:43:40 PM »
Thanks for the information...


I have the Invasion polished and drilled long with arc because of how much hand. I am trying to get a read on how to get the Reign drilled because my Cell is my next oil ball and I dont need them to be about the same... 

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David Lee Yskes

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Re: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2011, 11:45:44 PM »


ok, since i have both..... i'll give u my 2cents


First with the Invasion, i did a Pin-up drilling with the CG kicked over to the pos....  originally i took the ball from OOB and re-did it @ 1k, 2k, to 4k and then polished it up..   and the ball worked nicely.. well recently i took it to a 2k abralon surface and WOW this ball is now a monster...  


My Reign of Fire is a whole nother creature... OOB is stupid @ 1k abralon.,, the ball would rollout in my backswing...  So I took it to a 2k surface...   Now the drilling is  similar to my Invasion, but the pin is drilled out in my ring finger... with the CG kicked over....  so the ball does get into a roll earlier but still has a strong backend.. 


So its all about what you want from the ball and want it to do...


I even have my Reign with a similar drilling vs the RoF, so it gives me a option to change balls and still get a similar reaction.... same with the Invasion......   But all in all, i dont think you can go wrong with either balls.

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Re: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2011, 01:22:18 PM »
Invasion - pin up on the center line above the fingers with the mass 2 ½" right of my thumb
I used this ball straight out of the box on synthetic and wood surfaces. This ball got a lot of use from the jump as it just seemed to blend patterns out for me and more importantly, it struck. To me, this core creates a heavy roll and a strong arc.
Reign of Fire - pin up on the center line above the fingers with the mass 3" right of my thumb
This ball out of the box, I could only use at one league and the center did not strip on the night we bowled. So the house shot is 42' plus carry down. I kept this ball in it's OOB state for emergencies. Thankfully I had it at a tournament that was the just in case and when everyone was pointing it at the headpin, I was going 14 to anywhere and it was dancing back. My friends were laughing because it looked like I was bowling on a wall.
I drilled both of these balls last February,  the Invasion mucho games on it but my Reign of Fire has less than 30 in that same time frame but like I said, it's was emergency piece in my hand. I gave my Reign of Fire  to my buddy and he loves how it opens the lane up for him. He does not have the rev rate I have and the Dimension I gave him last year was not quite enough off of the break point.
The Reign and Reign Supreme, cannot get enough of them in my hand!

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Re: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2011, 03:27:59 PM »
Thanks for the information about the balls..


Reign of fire sounds really strong...


I am going to need to calm that ball down allot because it sounds like its going to turn very early...


Will keep you informed....

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Re: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2011, 09:27:26 AM »

 TBH, In it's OOB condition, I can use it as a heavy oil ball, though Storm says it's medium-heavy.  I've taken mine to 500/1000/2000 and now it doesn't check nearly as early, yet still very aggressive in the midlane and backend.

Zanatos1914 wrote on 2/16/2011 4:27 PM:
Thanks for the information about the balls..


Reign of fire sounds really strong...


I am going to need to calm that ball down allot because it sounds like its going to turn very early...


Will keep you informed....

2 Fingers 4 Life
I Am The 3 Fingers Nightmare

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Re: Invasion vs Reign Of Fire
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2011, 03:28:28 PM »
Would u believe my proshop man sold my ball... 


We are now divorced....


I must say the Invasion has exceed my expectation....  This ball is versatile from NAABI to very light oil --  Watch world I taking it over by Storm..  lol 

2 Fingers 4 Life
I Am The 3 Fingers Nightmare