
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: TDC57 on February 06, 2013, 01:37:24 PM

Title: IQ Pearl
Post by: TDC57 on February 06, 2013, 01:37:24 PM
Why do you think so many IQ Pearls are showing up on ebay? Seems to be a real good ball, but it makes me nervous to think about trying one when so many used ones are showing up for sale there.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: dmonroe814 on February 06, 2013, 01:39:00 PM
They are showing up droves in my house.  Everyone who has one loves it.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: hhhbs1 on February 06, 2013, 02:23:06 PM
I am a HUGE fan of this ball. On the THS it is unbeatable IMO. I have had it 5 weeks. The 1st week shot 743 with a 299 game. 2nd week 809, 3rd 675, 4th 733, and last week 811.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: northface28 on February 06, 2013, 04:02:44 PM
Why do you think so many IQ Pearls are showing up on ebay? Seems to be a real good ball, but it makes me nervous to think about trying one when so many used ones are showing up for sale there.

Its probably the guys/gals who didnt lay them out strong enough, this ball is absolutely ridiculous.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: J_Mac on February 06, 2013, 04:16:56 PM
Why do you think so many IQ Pearls are showing up on ebay? Seems to be a real good ball, but it makes me nervous to think about trying one when so many used ones are showing up for sale there.

I see four used IQ Tour Pearls on eBay... That is not many at all.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: applegam on February 06, 2013, 06:35:02 PM
While I'm not going to give a full detailed ball review - here is my take.  I know I may be in the minority here, but I could not stand this ball.  If you want something that goes long and then makes an unbeleivable left hook at the break point, go for it.  But, you pay a price.  For me it was just way too unpredictable.  It looks cool going down the lane, but that does not equal high scores for me.  I unloaded this, and picked up a Marvel Pearl with an identical layout.  Night/Day here.  Love the Marvel Pearl.  Clearly there are some huge scores out there with this ball, but it was just not for me.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: TDC57 on February 06, 2013, 06:45:21 PM
That's four still on today but many have been listed over the past couple of weeks. For a virtually brand new ball it seems odd so many would be getting rid of them after so little time. I think they are a sharp looking ball and seem solid on the lanes.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: charlest on February 06, 2013, 07:00:15 PM
That's four still on today but many have been listed over the past couple of weeks. For a virtually brand new ball it seems odd so many would be getting rid of them after so little time. I think they are a sharp looking ball and seem solid on the lanes.

Think about it: four is a lot (???) when there's been so much hype about it and they've probably sold thousands already with many having been given away to staff and amateurs. Nope, 4 is nothing. And even I have to say that it's a great looking ball. wonder how many sales they have just based on looks alone.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: TDC57 on February 06, 2013, 07:37:33 PM
I don't think I said four is a lot, but to see many already being put up for sale, it makes me wonder why? I wonder if it was an Ebonite or one of it's umbrella companies balls, would there be a lot of conversation on why people are getting rid of them after such a short time?
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: charlest on February 06, 2013, 08:23:22 PM
I don't think I said four is a lot, but to see many already being put up for sale, it makes me wonder why? I wonder if it was an Ebonite or one of it's umbrella companies balls, would there be a lot of conversation on why people are getting rid of them after such a short time?

Actually given the circumstances + a wild guess at how many have been sold already
(In one of my leagues (20 5 man teams), on a sport pattern, last week there were 1 - 2 IQ Tour Pearls on EVERY pair of lanes!),
I am surprised to see only 4 of them on Ebay right now.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: TDC57 on February 06, 2013, 08:47:35 PM
Why would that surprise you, Charlest? Why would people want to get rid of a good ball after such a short time on the market?  I'm just trying to figure out why, because I would never do that.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: charlest on February 06, 2013, 09:17:51 PM
Why would that surprise you, Charlest? Why would people want to get rid of a good ball after such a short time on the market?  I'm just trying to figure out why, because I would never do that.

But not every one loves every ball.
yes, this ball seems to have a lot of people who really can use it well. My friend got one, BUT his pro shop insisted on putting the pin above the bridge. I warned him not to do that, but they insisted it would be right for him. It wasn't BECAUSE he has a very high tilt. So his goes 65 feet and makes a left turn. He is going to try to adjust the coverstock, but I wonder if it will make enough of a difference for him. That's just one example.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: lsf_21 on February 06, 2013, 10:48:28 PM
That's four still on today but many have been listed over the past couple of weeks. For a virtually brand new ball it seems odd so many would be getting rid of them after so little time. I think they are a sharp looking ball and seem solid on the lanes.
Think about it: four is a lot (???) when there's been so much hype about it and they've probably sold thousands already with many having been given away to staff and amateurs. Nope, 4 is nothing. And even I have to say that it's a great looking ball. wonder how many sales they have just based on looks alone.

Looks drew me to mine. It isnt WHY I bought mine. But it sure did help the balls argument over others.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: TheGom on February 06, 2013, 11:25:36 PM
Just like in the golf biz, the used racks are full of a driver that sold by far the most over the others, as some shoppers are always looking for the holy grail. These people buy just because they hear so much about that item and not because it is a good fit for them.

This case is simple.....a higher volume of sales always creates a higher used market even when the product is really good.

The 4 on the net might equal 1 with another ball.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: T_Bone on February 07, 2013, 12:18:48 AM
Ok, first off I have to say I love mine. When I got it at first I was not liking it that much. It was really too strong off the spot for me. I knocked off the shine with a 4000 abralon pad by hand and now it is the first ball out of my bag. I had mine drilled 5x4x3.  Now my ball reaction is good length with a strong move down lane. Not too snappy just strong. On a fresh league shot I like to throw it straight up around the 10 to 12 board. 690 is my lowest set so far with this ball. For me, its a keeper and I do not see me selling mine anytime soon. Maybe the reason people are selling this ball is because they did not try to adjust the cover?
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: Gene J Kanak on February 07, 2013, 07:54:21 AM
Another factor that could be coming into play is viability on Sport patterns. If you read Riggs' review, he clearly said that the ball was a house shot wrecker, but he wasn't sure how useful it was going to be on tougher patterns. I've only had mine for a week, but I can see what he was talking about. On a wide-open house shot, this ball is going to be stupid-good because it's clean and nasty strong off the spot. That equals a lot of head-turning fun during league; however, that reaction isn't usually ideal on tougher patterns. Maybe some people bought it thinking it would be more controllable since the IQ Tour solid is a fairly stable piece. After seeing that it's a skid-flip boomerang, maybe they'd rather just offload it when it's got low games and the sale market is high. A lot of guys would do that rather than redrilling. I think some of that comes in with the user who said he sold his IQ Tour Pearl and then picked up a Marvel Pearl. Obviously, those balls are completely different. The Marvel line is about strong midlane and smooth, strong backend, where the IQ Tour Pearl is all about length and recovery. I think it's very likely the people who are unloading the Tour Pearl just realized that they didn't want/need such a skid/flip reaction. It's not for everybody.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: cheech on February 07, 2013, 09:08:35 AM
i think people are just too afraid to change the surface. i could tell when they announced it that it needed to have the polish taken off before i would throw it. especially for game one or on anything other than a house pattern.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: davidinil on February 07, 2013, 10:21:29 PM
While I'm not going to give a full detailed ball review - here is my take.  I know I may be in the minority here, but I could not stand this ball.  If you want something that goes long and then makes an unbeleivable left hook at the break point, go for it.  But, you pay a price.  For me it was just way too unpredictable.  It looks cool going down the lane, but that does not equal high scores for me.  I unloaded this, and picked up a Marvel Pearl with an identical layout.  Night/Day here.  Love the Marvel Pearl.  Clearly there are some huge scores out there with this ball, but it was just not for me.

Goes long and makes an unbelievable turn is why I am going to buy one tomorrow.  I had a Marvel Pearl and was disappointed that it would not push long enough.  It lost energy at 55 feet for me.  Marvel Pearl works great for high volume heads combined with crispy back ends.  I do not see that condition very often. 

I have an IQT solid that was a turd for me, until I shined it up like a marble.  That ball rocks for me now. 

I am betting that the IQT Pearl will really be a house shot killer. 
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on February 08, 2013, 12:18:54 AM
It can't touch the Hy-road overall, but still a great ball.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: Gene J Kanak on February 08, 2013, 11:44:08 AM
I think you're comparing apples to oranges lining it up against the Hyroad. The Hyroad is going to be much more versatile due to the hybrid cover. The IQ Tour Pearl is going to be much more condition specific. You can try to get it more friendly via cover changes, which will work to some degree. Still, I just think they're too different to say that one is better than the other. They serve different purposes.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: slowmo44 on February 08, 2013, 11:57:30 AM
I think it is a good ball, but if people bought them and didn't like them it makes sense to sell it while people are buying them in droves...while you can get alot of your money back. I see tons in use here (Metro Detroit area), but my pro shop alone had 3 being plugged after being sold last week. People who buy alot of equipment often see things as hit/miss...if they don't match up right away, sell it and get something new.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: Impending Doom on February 08, 2013, 12:28:26 PM
People might not be taking into account the specs on the ball. 2.49 and .029 for 15 lbs, if people are using 5.5 inch pin to paps like they do on their regular equipment, the ball may be a dud. I could see doing something like 50x4x60 on it to get it to flare, but not jerk off the dry. The cover is going to take care of the friction.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: tdub36tjt on February 08, 2013, 02:24:55 PM
I've drilled about 9 of them for people and i won't go over 4.25" pin to pap and i generally use a 50 degree val angle and not one of them has hated it. Not saying they all love them but they all like it....
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: RadioActive on February 08, 2013, 03:09:32 PM
I have one and it is alot stronger that I thought it was going to be. I love it!!!

 I think that might be why some others are getting rid of them.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: 2handedrook12 on February 15, 2013, 03:37:05 PM
I agree with the previous posts. This ball is the opposite of the marvel pearl. This ball is a skid flip, not an arc. Even though this is a great gem, drilling this weak will make it go 60 feet and beyond. However, when someone does learn about the ball before buying one, they'll know what to do. Which is why honestly I think buying a marvel pearl is still a better option.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: BrunsMike on February 15, 2013, 10:49:45 PM
I have one of these drilled pin over ring cg stacked and with the OOB finish this ball is a skip/flip monster! I mean almost uncontrollable! I've since took the cover from 1500 polished to 4000 no polish and the reaction is much smoother at the end of the pattern. While this ball still doesn't qualify as a direct replacement for my T-Road Pearl it has been my 1st ball out of the bag every week for the last month. I still have a hard time putting it away when pin carry falls off and move to my Marvel Pearl. The T-Road Pearl is being pulled from retirement next week.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: avabob on February 23, 2013, 06:33:57 PM
The ball is very condition specific.  Mine is almost worthless on a wet dry house shot.  Surprising that it over unders so much with a low flare core  However on some broken down tournament patterns it works very well.  I think the higher rev guys will find more use for it.  I am probably going to tweak the shell some more, and possibly put a balance hole in mine to see if I can square up a bit outside on some flatter patterns. 
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on February 25, 2013, 10:13:57 PM
The Tour Pearl, Solid, Wrecker, Shatter, HyRoad and Diva flooded the ball returns at masters last week.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: 2handedrook12 on February 26, 2013, 06:41:29 PM
Wasn't the marvel pearl and disturbed also quite popular?
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on February 26, 2013, 10:08:39 PM
I saw some marvel pearls.  A lot of disturbeds.
Title: Re: IQ Pearl
Post by: davidinil on February 27, 2013, 10:33:14 PM
This ball reacts very violently off of dry boards.  My IQTP is layed out 75 x 4 x 40  No hole.  On my usual THS the ball has phenomenal hitting power.  But after I throw a 4 bagger, the ball will jerk thru and give me a big 4.   I used the ball on CHeetah and got the same reaction.  If that doesn't help, I'm going to try a hole in the ball somewhere.   BTW, I love love love my IQT Solid (shiny) drilled the same way. 

I am going to play w/ the surface of the pearl and see if that helps it out. 

My stats:  Rev Rate (CATS) - 325 - 375 (Avg)
      Speed (CATS) - 18
      Axis Tilt - 15
      Axis Rotation - 30-60
      PBA-x Avg - 208
      THS Avg - 229