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Author Topic: IQ Tour - Liz Johnson  (Read 12581 times)


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IQ Tour - Liz Johnson
« on: August 16, 2017, 07:56:13 PM »
I think at the 2017 PWBA US Women's Open, we seen just how great the IQ Tour Solid is at getting..9.. I felt like I was watching myself bowl league with it when the 7 or 10 pin was still standing.
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Re: IQ Tour - Liz Johnson
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2017, 06:54:35 PM »
When the discussion about the Tour being a 9 count machine, I have to disagree.  I love the ball.  I feel with hand position changes, finger position tweaks and a few abralon pads, you can bowl on anything, except for maybe the super long patterns. 

The beauty of it is it responds very well to minor adjustments the bowler makes.  The monster balls really don't.  Just my .02.

As always it depends on bowler style.  Fair number of people generate so much energy that urethane is the only thing they can keep on the lane.  For many people control is a bigger issue than carry and this ball is a better match up for them.  For a low track speed dominant stroker like myself this ball is basically for flat patterns only.  Its why the Hy-Road pearl I just ordered is going to send it back to the closet instead of my bag for THS league. 
Kind of noob when made this account so take advice with grain of salt.