Remember the strength of the hook is not related to the amount of oil handled.
With the stock surface, the Wrecker (highly polished) usually handles medium-light to medium oil, while the IQ Tour Solid (dull) handles medium to medium-heavy oil.
The IQTS usually has an arcing breakpoint, nowhere near as sharp as the Wrecker. The IQ Tour Hybrid or the Pearl might be a better IQ for what you want, but I think you'd need a polished Hybrid or Pearl with a larger RG Differential to move deeper and still be strong enough to make the turn. Maybe a Hy-Road hybrid or HY Pearl or a RG Hysteria.
Also the IQ Tours have not only a much lower RG than the Wrecker, they also have a stronger coverstock. I think they would be too early even though the hybrid and the pearl are polished. The Hy-Road and the Hysteria both have higher RGs, like the Wrecker, but are stronger in oil.