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Author Topic: is it true? cant be true  (Read 3753 times)


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is it true? cant be true
« on: June 03, 2005, 06:18:03 PM »
so i was convo with a pro shop guy and he was telling me that storm was just sued by lane 1 for the use of the new fired up core. lane 1 claims that the shape of the core is diamond shape. now in my eyes that core resembles a puff ball not a diamond.

so what i wanna know is if this is true and if so what was the outcome. gimme all the junkie stuff like lane 1s claims and so on.
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Re: is it true? cant be true
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2005, 12:36:55 PM »
Also for a patent it just has to be close enough for the AVERAGE consumer to  possibly have trouble distinguishing between the two. It does not have to be close enough for the educated consumer to have trouble distinguishing between the two. Or so thats what my patent attorney says.


Lane Bed

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Re: is it true? cant be true
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2005, 11:20:51 PM »
I never heard of any of them balls being discontinued per lawsuit. They just outlived their usefulness as all ball do. I think we would have heard about it on this site. As we can see from rumors, a VP from Storm just chimed in to squash this one.

Look at balls from the past such as the Columbia Aftershock, Total Chaos or Blue Pulse and they all had diamond shaped weight blocks as far back as 1996.

The Kryptonite and Renegade are still on the USBC approved list. If there was a lawsuit they would have to be deemed illegal. A new Renegage is coming out even.


EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanE bEd

Edited on 6/6/2005 11:14 PM


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Re: is it true? cant be true
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2005, 01:37:22 AM »
okay so im educated, just cant spell, but lets say i wasnt. i would still be able to look at the two and be able to distinguish the two and how different they are. the only similarities that they have are outer shape on a 2D plane. but if you take the two out of the ball and put the side by side, then theres just no way.

and thanks to dave for the input, but even though your the vp of marketing, could it be that you were left out of this matter? i know its highly impossible seeing that your their market man, but still could it be?
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Re: is it true? cant be true
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2005, 03:25:56 AM »
With thoes pics of the other balls like the dirty bomb and that I would say that it looks alike but every thing on the fired up is rounded and smooth not like that all most seems like a vase with a big bottom and from what I have heard the the fired up is a killer goes like 45 feet and snaps like crazy.

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