The Fast was a pure pearl. The Lights Out is a hybrid and technically the first time it has been released in this combination. Different covers.
The 2Fast, Fringe and now Freakin Frantic are all the R2S pearl, BUT many people believe that color makes a difference in ball hook potential and how it reads the lane. To me, my Frantics, even though hybrid, seemed to push easier than my Fringes. Maybe it has to do with the green pearl that was used in the Frantic, and now looks very similar to the green pearl of the Freakin Frantic. I kinda always felt that red bowling balls hooked the most and maybe that's why the Fringe hooked sooner for me, with my slower ball speed.
The other issue, I think this is a really great core. The 2Fast and Fringe should've sold much better than they did.The 2Fast was a great looking ball, but not flashy. The Fringe, either customers liked or hated, nothing really in between as far as looks. Even in today's game, color of the bowling ball still has a factor in a persons decisions to buy or not, especially at the lower price points. Hopefully the color and name change will live up to the strong sales of the Frantic.
These are my own personal beliefs based on my experiences as a pro shop operator and bowler, and not that of Storms.
Besides, I don't think ANY core has been "recycled" as much as the gas mask core used in the Black Widows and Taboo's, and then tweaked for the Vibes. Just sayin.