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Author Topic: Jolt Pearl  (Read 1953 times)


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Jolt Pearl
« on: July 05, 2007, 02:56:05 AM »
I've had this ball for several months now. I have been trying to use it on our dryer conditions without too much luck. It is a step down from the fired up I currently own, but man this thing is jumpy. It can cover some boards on a THS. I was using it on cheetah, and I was playing 15 to 5 and it would come charging back. I tried it in a tourney a month ago, and tried playing in the track area when it got burned up. It had more backend than my fired up. Anyway I can tame this thing down? Its currently drilled pin under with factory finish.

It almost seems as if the accutread cover is stronger off the break than the covers on say the Ice or vibes from ebo/hammer.

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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2007, 11:02:40 AM »
I find my accutread solids to be soooooooooooooooo.....smooth.

With polish they get a lot of length also.

Jolt Solid????


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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2007, 11:07:37 AM »
Maybe I should have gone with the solid, I dunno. The proshop said the pearl was more for dry lanes where as the solid could handle some oil.

Maybe hitting the pearl with 800 grit could get it smoother.

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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2007, 11:21:05 AM »
Dull the ball. I have a Roto Grip Venus which is 5 X 5 above -  with polish it has an almost uncontrollable backend to it. Dulled, it really mellowed out the ball; giving more energy up front and more controlled on the backend.  Still carries wonderfully.

Downside, hooks a bit more in the heads; can be adjusted with a small amount of physical loft.

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Edited on 7/5/2007 11:28 AM


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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2007, 12:52:55 PM »
Dull the ball. I have a Roto Grip Venus which is 5 X 5 above -  with polish it has an almost uncontrollable backend to it. Dulled, it really mellowed out the ball; giving more energy up front and more controlled on the backend.  Still carries wonderfully.

Downside, hooks a bit more in the heads; can be adjusted with a small amount of physical loft.

"Seeking out Current Information and Knowledge for the Perceptive Competitive Tournament Bowler" - Tracking the New Bowling Cycle: "Bowling as a Sport"

Edited on 7/5/2007 11:28 AM

Yeah, I'm not looking to use this ball for dry heads. Really wanting something for short oil or burnt track area.

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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 01:10:32 PM »
Just mentioning...I've found my highly polished accutreads...can get great lenght at 1500 with Storm Xtra polish and are SOOOOOOOOOOO smooth off the break.

My pearls...not so much!


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2007, 01:59:54 PM »
I have seen many Jolt Pearls and have used a few and I have never had this experience. My guess is that you have it drilled way to strong. All of the ones I have used have been pin above with the CG somewhere in the middle of the grip. I would suggest sanding it but i wouldn't go down to 800 right away. Start at 2000 and go down from there.


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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2007, 02:43:58 PM »
I don't see how its drilled to strong, I get an inch of flare out of it! The cg is at the center, with a 1 inch pin located right under the ring finger.

I agree, 800 might be too much.

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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2007, 09:09:02 PM »
I don't see how its drilled to strong, I get an inch of flare out of it! The cg is at the center, with a 1 inch pin located right under the ring finger.
The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

My thoughts:
Maybe that's the problem. With a stronger drill it might have expended some energy hooking and not saved it all for the backend??? Long pin positions on low RG differential (small flaring) balls are a mixed blessing. They conserve energy, but they expend it too suddenly. That makes the ball more snappy than the intended design.

While AccuTread coverstocks are weaker than Storm's current coverstocks, they are still not weak covers. Sort of like Columbia's using Super-Flex on their Scout series - major mistake from my point of view.

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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2007, 10:37:29 PM »
The accutread is a rather strong cover.  The origional x factor had that same accutread pearl on it.  I'd kind of have to agree with the others here for mellowing out the backend, but only a flare decreasing x hole will have the effect of cutting both overall hook and backend.  I know that you said that it doesn't flare that much to begin with, but that is the only option that will solve both "problems".  The other, last resort, is redrilling.  I personally figure that a low pin that is a good distance from your axis would work the best.  By keeping the pin far away from the pap, you are cutting flare, yet leaving it low will make sure that the ball doesn't store all of its energy and release it all on the backend.
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Re: Jolt Pearl
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2007, 08:44:00 AM »
I don't see how its drilled to strong, I get an inch of flare out of it! The cg is at the center, with a 1 inch pin located right under the ring finger.
The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

My thoughts:
Maybe that's the problem. With a stronger drill it might have expended some energy hooking and not saved it all for the backend??? Long pin positions on low RG differential (small flaring) balls are a mixed blessing. They conserve energy, but they expend it too suddenly. That makes the ball more snappy than the intended design.

While AccuTread coverstocks are weaker than Storm's current coverstocks, they are still not weak covers. Sort of like Columbia's using Super-Flex on their Scout series - major mistake from my point of view.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

I agree. I was able to tone it down some by taking a gray scotch bright with some clean n dull. On the cheetah pattern playing the same line as last week, it was much smoother. It actually hooked about two boards less, probably because on that short of a pattern with the new surface it had a chance to expend its energy.

I think that storm had good idea by going to an older coverstock instead of using the Reactor, but maybe they would have been better off going to the old prothane or something like that.

I like the ball much better now. I really wish however companies would start making extremly mild resins for their light oil / dry lane stuff.

The cheetah at my house is so dry that I can take my old purple hammer( made in the mid nineties) that I can play 15 to 10 and back to the hole.

Thanks for all the help.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the