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Author Topic: attitude shift surface change  (Read 5734 times)


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attitude shift surface change
« on: March 05, 2008, 03:35:47 AM »
i posted about cleaning this ball about a week ago, but since my attitude is OOB ,  im wondering what some of you guys who really like the attitude did with it.   my first 30 or so games w/ this ball i loved... averaged about 225 w/ it.  the next 30 games have been a disaster probably avging a 185 w/ it and a usual set looking like 170-200-215.  or the ocassional 150- 190- 250.  since i was so successful with it early on i was thinking about cleaning it, but if i have the pro shop hit it w/ a pad, i might as well get ideas of what surface you guys have used.  i believe oob is 2000.


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2008, 12:03:06 PM »
Just go in and say hey I want this 2000 Abralon.  They shouldn't charge you too much because it doesn't take long at all.  Also, definitely get that Clean N Dull while you are there. I'm telling you, you want that stuff in addition to whatever your regular cleaner is.  I am assuming you are cleaning this ball regularly since it is a top end expensive bowling ball

Do all the simple cheap options first because I bet it just needs a Clean N Dull and a trip to the ball spinner.

Looks like you have about 60 games on it and it probably just needs a tune up.  The pro shop should tell you if you need a real heavy resurfacing but I doubt it.  You probably just need it set back to OOB.  If you look back at all the Special Agent threads when that ball first came out this is the same cover.  Notice how people were saying they had to regularly set it back to 2000.  The Clean N Dull is just good for dull balls in general and for deep cleaning the polished ones.
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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2008, 11:15:35 AM »
whats ur pro shop charge you?  ...its 30 dollars just to bake by me.  no idea what it cost to resurface.  the proshop i use is way overpriced!
Get a 5 gallon bucket at home, fill it with hot water, and do it yourself.  Much cheaper.  As for resurfacing, you probably don't need a full deep resurfacing.  (i.e. sand down to 500, then bring it back up gradually to 2000)  You can probably get away with just a few seconds on each side with a 2000 pad to get a little fresh surface exposed.

So i did what you guys said and put the ball in a cooler, added dawn dish soap and put it w/ hot water from the shower for 30 min, wiped it off, cleaned the cooler, put it back with just water and no soap for 30 min.  Im waiting on that last part, then ill use magic ball cleaner to clean it up (dont have clean and dull yet).    

Btw, no one told me that the hot water would cause all the writing on the ball to melt, i got gluey gliter all over my ball now from the storm and attitude shift wording on the ball.  All that crap just came out its crevice and got all over the ball.  Hopefully it comes off and isnt a problem

Monster Pike

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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2008, 12:29:35 PM »
It should come off.  Some glitter came off of my regular Shift.  Make sure your hot water heater isn't up to high, that could also be a problem.  15 minutes is really all you need in the water.  Watch for oil & soap residue on surface after each step.  Repeat until there isn't any.
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield


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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2008, 12:32:42 PM »
i only really have time to do 3 dunks in the water...  Im waiting a few minutes to clean it b/c that glue glitter stuff is all ready to come off if i wipe it.  Hopefully this helps, ill let u guys know on wednesday!


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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2008, 03:27:09 PM »
One thing that I keep seeing is how people want to get a high performance ball, then say a bunch about why it stops hooking, well as Mr straight ball said, cleaning your ball after every use will keep the pores from getting clogged with oil, especially important with todays high end covers, but it looks like you are on the right track BBrock I personally have to renew the surface on one of my balls after every use on an oiler pattern, but, by renewing the surface a little before the next use, it keeps the ball at peak performance and will keep you much happier
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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2008, 03:29:04 PM »
Also another thing, when a balls surface is full of oil, taking a pad to it will not make that much of a difference. Cleaning it, then taking a pad to it will be the best solution.
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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2008, 06:17:38 PM »
Im afraid to take a pad to it w/out having a ball spinner.  You do that?


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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2008, 01:38:45 AM »
Yes, BBock, I do do it by hand, I just don't have the money to get a ball spinner yet and I am not going to pay money to take it to the shop every time I need to put some surface on my ball. I actually do a pretty good job doing it by hand, but it takes longer though, thats the only draw back and also the scratch pattern might not be the most consistant, but hey, atleast I have surface on my ball.
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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2008, 09:09:37 AM »
well im not having the same luck. after putting the ball in a hot water bath and after having the proshop bring it back to 2000' it didnt do much at all. i threw a 159 189 179,   its probably me  so ill have to work on my technique, but its frustrating that i havnt avg,d under a 200 in like 5 years and suddenly i get this ball and average a 187 which is unheard of.  my last tweak will probably be adding polish to this ball as im playing on a 2nd shift.  im not quite sure that the issue is early roll though

Monster Pike

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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2008, 03:10:36 PM »
FYI, you can use an abralon or scotch brite pad by hand.  Just put it on a ball cup.  Get the pad wet & lay it on the ball.  W/lite to med/lite pressure just follow the contour of the ball w/an open hand on the pad.  Rotate the ball accordingly until you've done the whole ball.  It doesn't take long.  I just did it to my ball & it looks like it did when I 1st got it.  I then used the Simple green/water/alcohol solution to clean it.  I use the Simple Green solution after every series also.  I keep a small bottle available during play if the belt marks get nasty.  It's now ready for the next set.  I also have Power house Clean-n-dull for every 9th or 12th game or so at the end of a set, that can't be used during play.
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield

xxxxxxxxxxxx MR300

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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2008, 07:58:37 PM »
It should come off.  Some glitter came off of my regular Shift.  Make sure your hot water heater isn't up to high, that could also be a problem.  15 minutes is really all you need in the water.  Watch for oil & soap residue on surface after each step.  Repeat until there isn't any.
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield
what do you mean by watch for oil and soap residue ... you arent supposed to any soap in it when you do that... any way i have put my bowling ball in the dish washer and it worked really good... NO SOAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2008, 07:30:10 AM »
It could be the fact that you are bowling in the second shift. One thing I have learned from this ball is it NEEDS OIL to react well.

That's what I am wondering.
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Monster Pike

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Re: attitude shift surface change
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2008, 09:32:56 AM »
It should come off.  Some glitter came off of my regular Shift.  Make sure your hot water heater isn't up to high, that could also be a problem.  15 minutes is really all you need in the water.  Watch for oil & soap residue on surface after each step.  Repeat until there isn't any.
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield

what do you mean by watch for oil and soap residue ... you arent supposed to any soap in it when you do that... any way i have put my bowling ball in the dish washer and it worked really good... NO SOAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reading is truly a SKILL.
He did the hot water bath in a bucket & some glitter & glue came off from the label & stuck to parts of the ball.  READ HIS POSTS!!!!! HE was concerned that the glitter & glue might not come off.  Yes, some people use dish soap in the very 1st step of the ball bath.  See link below!!!  So I told him when rinsing to "watch for oil & soap in the water."  KEEP RINSING UNTIL THE OIL & SOAP RESIDUE IS GONE!!!!!  Thus watching for soap & oil residue. I never said to use soap in a dishwasher.  Please post where I said that.  Next time try READING the post(s) being replied to BEFORE commenting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield

Edited on 3/14/2008 9:36 AM