I've had success with every storm ball I've ever had. (Erase-It, Usa Gold, Barbed Wire)
Now Storm is taking over my bag again. I usually carry 4 balls. Right now I'm using a Football for spares and bone dry lanes. A big hit for dry. A matte finish Hot Rod Hybrid for medium. What storm ball would slot a bit above the Hybrid? I'm a no thumber. I generally get through the heads fine, but with most balls I hook too early in the midlane and get too much backend. I don't need a ball for a flood. We're talking 42 feet of heavy christmas tree house shot oil with clean backends on slicker synthetics. I want something that rolls like the matte finish Hybrid with a bit earlier roll and only 3-5 boards more overall hook. In other words SMOOOOTH.
I'd been using a Blazing inferno, Ego, Particle power groove, polished Granite Gargoyle, or Impact zone in this spot.
Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?