
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: billdozer on October 12, 2011, 04:03:20 AM

Title: Just punched up my Virtual Tour XG
Post by: billdozer on October 12, 2011, 04:03:20 AM


R3S pearl, Shape-lock HD core.  I would assume R3S is what will go on future Thunder Line equipment, I picked it up not only because I am a Ball whore, but I thought it would be nice to try out a stronger original gravity shift...

Also, it will decide for me whether or not I want a lethal dose of this ball....(NANO PEARL)....ill post my findings tonite after i get a few games on it..


Don't throw strikes, throw BOLTS!

my arsenal..
Title: Re: Just punched up my Virtual Tour XG
Post by: titletowncards on October 12, 2011, 12:07:07 PM
Love it! Keep us posted, I think you should do a short video of the ball's reaction.

Chris Orgeman
Get MOTIVated and Bowl Up A Storm!
Title: Re: Just punched up my Virtual Tour XG
Post by: billdozer on October 12, 2011, 12:14:56 PM
I have thrown a few shots with it in league...walled up ofcourse...sorry...but it was very smooth and controllable off the spot.  I can try and get a video...dont have a camera tho...itll be with an iphone...if it doesnt suck, ill post it.

I noticed it was everything I liked about the low end pearls......(reminded me of my hyroad actually even though it was hybrid....)  and everything I like about stronger hopefully i have a good nite tonite... we'll see!

Don't throw strikes, throw BOLTS!

my arsenal..
Edited by billdozer on 10/12/2011 at 2:36 PM
Title: Re: Just punched up my Virtual Tour XG
Post by: storm22 on October 12, 2011, 02:22:30 PM
I was looking at one on Buddies a few months back.  I was mulling it over for a day or two and when I went back on, they were gone.  I hope it works out great.  The Gravity Shift was a great ball.  Good luck with it!

Balls in the bag and order they come out:
#1/2 Nano and Anarchy #3- Virtual Energy   #4- Gravity Shift #5- Big Hit (spare and really dry)
#6- Teal Rhino Pro (oldie but a goodie) 
Title: Re: Just punched up my Virtual Tour XG
Post by: billdozer on October 13, 2011, 08:10:48 AM was basically what we all thought it would be..a longer, later reacting virtual energy....or a slightly stronger original gravity shift.  I throughly enjoyed using it because I completely knew what I was getting.  that being said it they release R3S somewhere in the product line in the with confidence.  

I threw it on a 40 ft THS on wood...suprisingly where any pearl is killer at this center...the VTXG was slightly squirty...but then became more usable as the night went on...even though my scores relected the opposite.  I basically left more ten pins as I got more comfortable, go figure.  244, 216, 236..696...with an open each game.  

Also, I'm now on my 3rd proshop in one he had me hanging up in the ball all night...I had to have the center to unlock their own pro shop and let me adjust it myself.  

Don't throw strikes, throw BOLTS!

my arsenal..
Edited by billdozer on 10/13/2011 at 8:16 AM
Title: Re: Just punched up my Virtual Tour XG
Post by: David Lee Yskes on October 13, 2011, 04:12:21 PM
just curious as to where you got your oversea's ball????   i know buddies sometimes has some storm stuff, but now they dont.......   
I would kill to get one of the INvasion Nano's   

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "  

For my vids on youtube - search DLYskes1976
or look for me on facebook
Title: Re: Just punched up my Virtual Tour XG
Post by: billdozer on October 13, 2011, 09:30:18 PM
 Got it from buddies when they had that huge selection over the summer...for $160.00 lol

Would be nice if the overseas storm & roto stuff was for sale more often..and I'd kill for more invasions too lol

Don't throw strikes, throw BOLTS!

my arsenal..