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Author Topic: Just shot a new personal high series tonight...  (Read 1142 times)


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Just shot a new personal high series tonight...
« on: March 18, 2009, 03:46:46 PM »
...with my Sure Fire. It is drilled 5x4 pin up, with a 4000 abralon plus snake oil surface. shot a 242, 248, and 245 for a 735 series. only two opens the entire series, with a big 4 split 8th frame of first game, and 4-7-10 split in the 10th frame if the last game. first one was the result of one bad shot and the second one my thumb stuck a little bit and caused me to pull the ball in a few boards. other than that i was in the pocket all night. the sure fire for me is very aggressive, but smooth enough to be readable, as in knowing what its gonna do as soon as it leaves my hand. I love this ball.


Kid Jete

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Re: Just shot a new personal high series tonight...
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2009, 11:52:59 PM »
congrats!! more to come!!

IMO, the 700 series is now the new 600 series....

Tag Team Coaching Success Story

Speak for yourself.  Our house only had maybe a dozen 700's all year.  Not everyone gets to bowl on the great wall of China.

Nice series Gab, just think if you stayed clean eh?  Let's you know an 800 might not be out of the question someday


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Re: Just shot a new personal high series tonight...
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2009, 11:57:46 PM »
at the house i was bowling at tonight you have to be accurate in order to score well. the funny thing is i was only subbing for my girlfried on her team, and on a 181 average. so almost 200 pins over my average for the series. I haven't be bowling well lately, but this past weekend i spent 2 hours practicing on my game. i had gotten into some bad habits that were causeing me to bowl bad, but i think i can say i got all the kink worked out in my game. oh, and kidjete, its gabe or gabriel, never gab.

Edited on 3/18/2009 11:58 PM

Kid Jete

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Re: Just shot a new personal high series tonight...
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2009, 12:36:37 AM »
Speak for yourself. Our house only had maybe a dozen 700's all year. Not everyone gets to bowl on the great wall of China.


kid, the 700 series are rare in most houses like where you bowl...back in the days 600 series was rare...when someone shot a 600 in the house I bowled at as a young one, it was announced to the whole house (my brother bowled adult leagues)...nowadays 600 is common..even some 210 average bowlers have handicaps...which makes 220 the 200 of old...but 600 is still a good series to achieve too...


Tag Team Coaching Success Story

I guess it's all relative to your house but in mine a 700 is a big deal.  High series this year is 748 and ironically it was shot with an older Hammer Red Pearl.

Gab... err Gabe sorry about that.


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Re: Just shot a new personal high series tonight...
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2009, 12:49:42 AM »
eh, no problem. its always just been a sore spot with me because of my name and how people misuse it.