Got to see the IQ Tour Fusion in action yesterday. Guy bowling against us had one and only used it maybe 5 or 6 times in the two weeks he had it. Said he shot 789 with it out the box.
We were bowling on medium oil with soft backends. This guy was speed dominant with low revs. The ball looked the mids smoothly, predictably, and consistently.
Great hitting power at the pin deck.
This guy comes out with the front ten. (Two of the ten were Brooklyn) finishes up with a 286 game. For the day his set was 761. Not too shabby.
Also, in more skilled hands this ball has multiple 800's written all over it!
I can't wait to see future position rounds where guys are not only battling fiercely on the lanes but battling at the ball returns trying to figure out whose ball is whose when the IQTF's and Masterminds Geniuses start dominating play.
I'm already ordering one. Has anyone else seen this piece in action?
PS. Fig jam...we still beat them 3 out of 4 , even with that nice set he had. Lol!