Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: yo on June 11, 2009, 12:10:30 PM
so my pro shop owner convinced me to try out storm and rotogrip. after looking at all the new stuff that are out/ coming out, its hard to decide whats good and whats great! haha. i want to make a great 4 ball arsenal. here's what i came up with.
Virtual Gravity
Rouge Cell
2nd Dimension
The One Pearl (yeah its ebonite, but my favorite and best ball. cant leave without it.)
what do you think? any suggestions? thanks in advance!
so maybe go with
One Pearl
i got a secret agent for free that im going to use instead of the rouge for time being until i get a rouge. that work fine you think?
Looking at the balls you named, there are some problems that i see. For one, there is definitely overlap. The VG and Rogue Cell are pretty similar as far as oil handling and strength, and the 2D and One pearl are close to each other as well.
Also, you really don't have anything on the weaker/lighter oil side of things. The One Pearl is the weakest you named, and even that's a strong pearl. You'd definitely need something weaker than that.
So, since you said you'd have to keep the One, maybe run something like this:
-Virtual or Rogue
-One Pearl
-Pluto, Hy-road, or Furious
-Mars or Neptune
Formerly Chocolate Milk.
sounds like a good plan to me
awesome. so i guess the first thing i need to get is the VG. (: haha. gonna try to run with
Secret Agent
One Pearl
for now and add the others later. also was looking at the neptune as Spartan mentioned. and to Spartan, i was planning on drilling the VG pin down with some surface, and the rouge pin up and may add some polish. think that'll be far enough?
A pin down VG will most definitely be your oil ball. And, if you drill a Rogue pin high, with a long pin to PAP distance, plus some polish, it should be markedly different than your VG. But, if you did as you mentioned above with those two, what two other balls would you add?
Formerly Chocolate Milk.
i would try the cell over the VG, seen a lot of cells roll better on longer and heavier oil patters like the shark pattern, take a cell and drill out the MB (pin near the fingers) and it will defiantly be all you need for oil
Nothing Hits Like A Roto Grip
In The Bag All 15s:
Roto Grip Rogue Cell
Global 900 Break S75
Roto Grip Grand Illusion
Raw Hammer Toxic
Roto Grip Neptune
WWF Rock Spare Ball
out of the balls you hve mentioned i would go
virtual gravity for your oiler
hyroad for your mediums
2nd dimension or your one pearl for a strong pearl when there is some friction outside
neptune for your light oil
you really dont need a rouge as it is very similar to the virtual could go with a mars for light oil but for me it is stronger than advertised.
" bowling is for one thing and one thing only to make money"
A pin down VG will most definitely be your oil ball. And, if you drill a Rogue pin high, with a long pin to PAP distance, plus some polish, it should be markedly different than your VG. But, if you did as you mentioned above with those two, what two other balls would you add?
Formerly Chocolate Milk.
my other 2 balls would be my one pearl with some polish as i have mine now, and a ball for lighter conditions like the neptune or mars. something along that line.
sorry guys its just really hard for me to give up that one pearl. its such a great ball. the one solid was awesome too but i had a 14lbs one and when i moved to 15 i got the pearl. i guess you could call that my good old faithful.
VG (polished)
Hy road
Tropical storm
"Im Barack Obama and I approved this message"
He asked for a four ball arsenal, one of which would be his One Pearl.

Anyways. For your weaker ball, I'd say go with the Neptune. The Mars is stronger than advertised, from what I've seen. Also, if you do decide to drill both a VG and Rogue, be sure that you drill the Rogue weakly and add polish. OOB, the two are very close to each other. I still recommend a Pluto or Hy-road in place of the Rogue. However, with the right drill and surface prep on the Rogue, it can be done.
Formerly Chocolate Milk.
Edited on 6/12/2009 12:10 PM
thanks a lot for the help! i think im gonna take your advise. im going to use a secret agent in place of the rouge for now until i get the money to get one. the secret agent should work fine between a VG and the one pearl right?
Try this 4 ball arsenal.
Virtual Gravity
Virtual Energy or Rogue Cell
Second Dimension
Tropical Storm
thanks a lot for the help! i think im gonna take your advise. im going to use a secret agent in place of the rouge for now until i get the money to get one. the secret agent should work fine between a VG and the one pearl right?
When that One pearl dies (which it will soon), I would replace it with the Second Dimension. That ball hits like a ton of bricks for a pearl. Versatile coverstock, can play multiple angles, i've never had a ball that sends more messengers than the 2nd and I've bowled for years.
The Secret should bridge that gap nicely. It will be a good deal longer than your Virtual, but still earlier and smoother than the One Pearl. Add the Neptune onto that, and I'd say you're ready to roll. Good luck!
Formerly Chocolate Milk.
maybe im just lucky but my one pearl has not lost one bit of reaction and ive thrown it for 100+ games already in a short time. i do not clean my equipment until i get to my proshop which is maybe once every 2-3 weeks? i dont even wipe it off before i put it in the bag. yeah i know, bad me.. *slap on the hand*. but the one pearl still hits as hard as it did before. (:
thanks for all the help. i really appreciate it!