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Author Topic: lineup help  (Read 2984 times)


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lineup help
« on: November 29, 2010, 02:52:51 AM »
Alright I need a little help guys I have two huge holes to fill in my bag I have a
900 global break solid
Storm hyroad dulled to 1500
Track 715a
Roto pluto
An a natural
 I am looking for somthing a little more on the back overall than my break on a flatter oil patter like the us open setup
,,,I also am looking for something to fit after my pluto that reads an rolls similar just not as explosive off the back my pluto hooks a lil much for intension

I am a high axis tilt player medium ball speed an naturally a heavy rolling hand my hand naturally gets most equipment to read the mids as is

Thanks for ur help


Monster Pike

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Re: lineup help
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2010, 01:36:46 PM »
Well I haven''t seen your Break Solid "roll", but I''ll give you a recommendation anyway...  The Virtual Gravity (solid) or Energy (hybrid) should give you that back end you want that the HyRoad & Break Solid don''t...  Just my opinion.

I & 1 of my teammates have the VG & we get really good backend w/that ball.  Our anchor uses the VE & he gets tons of backend games 1 thru 3.

Army Proud

Edited on 11/29/2010 2:39 PM


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2010, 09:28:58 PM »
Another option for more backend would be the Anarchy or even the Nomad Dagger, both of those will be more aggressive off the pattern then the hyroad... the anarchy would be the better choice as the hyroad is similar in reaction just a different shape at the breakpoint..with the dagger being a bit more! I have thrown/had all of the balls in the storm/roto lineup..cant go wrong with either!

Owner of Brazen Bowling Supply... authorized seller of Lane1,Big B,Morich,Storm,Roto,Seismic,Visionary,Motiv,Ebonite,Hammer,Columbia, and Track... I can get anything.. give me the chance to earn your business!


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2010, 09:38:13 PM »
Something you can go with..

Raw Profit above....Like solids on flat patterns..

Long Shot or Brunswick Slingshot for other spot..

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2010, 10:22:57 AM »
thanks for ur opions so far an honestly i am scared of all the high end peices ur mentioning because i have had a vg an the energy an they just seem to wiggle on me at the spot i have a lot of problems throwing a lot of high end peices before the break my only high end ball i liked was the black widow solid an the xfactor im not sure if i am just drilling them to strong an they wiggle on me or what but i wanna find a dimension and a second dimension i have drilled an seen alot of them thrown in my area an drilled a ton of them with success for others with my same problem so ? thanks for the help keep the ideas coming please an if anyone has these two balls shoot me an offer please


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2010, 04:07:16 PM »
Some things that will be smooth in the front and have more of a backend:
- Track 607A SE
- Storm 2Furious (Polished) w/ a sharp backend layout
- Storm 2Fast (Same as above)
- Storm Anarchy
- Storm Reign Supreme (Sharp Backend layout)
- 900 Global Favorite (Mo's most reactive/sharper breakpoint layout)
- Brunswick Damage
- AMF Shredder
- Motiv Cruel something lol, the new one (with a control layout)
It just matters on your price range, and what brand you tend to like the most. Theres more bowling balls i can suggest, but these are all off the top of my head.

And for bowling balls that read more midlane, and Dont jump in the backend:
- Some of them from above with controlled layouts
- 900 Global Bank (Control Layout)
- Brunswick C.System 3.5 (Smooth Layout)
- Track 715T (Control/Smooth Layout)
- Storm Anarchy (Smooth Layout w/ a Shorter Pin to PAP setup)
- Storm 2Furious (Un-Polished w/ smooth layout and the Shorter Pin to PAP)
- Cant think of anymore off the top of my head, but i can suggest a little more later on

Most of it just matters on your price range, and the knowledge of your local pro shop driller person lol
This is just my 2 cents lol

Ill be sure to post back, if i think of anything else
Current Arsenal - USBC 2010 Championship Pattern:
Storm Invasion (Polished) (60x4"x50)
Storm 2nd Dimension
Storm Black Ice
Ebonite Mission 2.0
Track 607A SE
Brunswick Wild Ride
Roto Grip Cell Pearl


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2010, 05:12:01 PM »
Some things that will be smooth in the front and have more of a backend:
- Track 607A SE
- Storm 2Furious (Polished) w/ a sharp backend layout
- Storm 2Fast (Same as above)
- Storm Anarchy
- Storm Reign Supreme (Sharp Backend layout)
- 900 Global Favorite (Mo's most reactive/sharper breakpoint layout)
- Brunswick Damage
- AMF Shredder
- Motiv Cruel something lol, the new one (with a control layout)
It just matters on your price range, and what brand you tend to like the most. Theres more bowling balls i can suggest, but these are all off the top of my head

And for bowling balls that read more midlane, and Dont jump in the backend:
- Some of them from above with controlled layouts
- 900 Global Bank (Control Layout)
- Brunswick C.System 3.5 (Smooth Layout)
- Track 715T (Control/Smooth Layout)
- Storm Anarchy (Smooth Layout w/ a Shorter Pin to PAP setup)
- Storm 2Furious (Un-Polished w/ smooth layout and the Shorter Pin to PAP)
- Cant think of anymore off the top of my head, but i can suggest a little more later on

Most of it just matters on your price range, and the knowledge of your local pro shop driller person lol
This is just my 2 cents lol

Ill be sure to post back, if i think of anything else
Current Arsenal - USBC 2010 Championship Pattern:
Storm Invasion (Polished) (60x4"x50)
Storm 2nd Dimension
Storm Black Ice
Ebonite Mission 2.0
Track 607A SE
Brunswick Wild Ride
Roto Grip Cell Pearl

Thank u sir for ur 2 cents here is so more infor for u I drill my own equipment an always have I map out my pap befdore I drill up a new ball no matter what my pap is 3 3/8 right an 1 inch up naturally off my hand but I can alter my tilt an rev rate easily an well my ball speed is average an I can I can alter it as well a little bit my natural rev  is around 450 but can alter from 275 to 575 um please don't tell me control layouts or something off the pamphlets I have studied this game my whole life an I really feel like those are quite one dimensional an only meant for one thing an dual angle layouts are much better


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2010, 05:35:08 PM »
IF you know so much, why ask?????
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2010, 05:50:17 PM »
Alright I didn't wanna be a jackass but I am asking cause unlike most other people on here I don't have the luxury of buying every new ball that comes out I'm lucky to drill up 6 a year an I don't see all the manufactuers down here in fl I mainly see storm an roto an ebo international I am sheltered from most other brands an I can study all I want but without seeing them in person it does me no real good for myself so I was asking the people who have a brain thank u have a great day


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2010, 07:06:28 PM »
Lol sorry, ill be a little more specific now

When i posted about the Shaper Breakpoint and Control Layouts, i mean going off the Dual Angle Layout Techniques.
But accurately, u need to know how the person bowls, RPM, Speed, Style, and what kind of bowler they are, to give them their matching dual angle.

I can post the layouts i use for Sharper Breakpoints and Control Layouts, but they wont match to how you throw.
Like my Most Hooking would be, 60 x 3 3/8" x 30
Control/Smooth: 85 x 3 3/4" x 55 or 60 x 4" x 50
Normal Layouts: 60 x 4" x 40, 45 x 4" x 45
Midlane Traction Layouts: 60 x 3" x 50, 85 x 3 1/4" x 55
Others: Skid/Flip'ish 70 x 4" x 25, SideRotation/Sideways: 70 x 3 1/2" x 70

And i know how you feel being sheltered from other brands lol x)
In Hawaii, we mostly just get the Normal Bowling stuff.. Storm/Roto, Brunswick, Hammer, 900 Global, etc..
Then i see other balls on here like Motiv and Elite which i have no clue what those bowling balls do lol. Would like to throw one without having to buy them online haha.
Current Arsenal:
Track 916AT
Track 607A SE
Storm 2Furious (Polished)
Storm Anarchy
Ebonite Mission 2.0
Brunswick Wild Ride
MoRich Weapon of Mass Bias


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2010, 07:23:53 PM »
U bowl outa hawaii huh that's a place id love to try out now if u don't mind what kinda player are u an what are some of ur favorite balls out as well as there layouts an for what purpose do u like em for


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Re: lineup help
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2010, 08:50:26 PM »
Well im a 2 handed bowler as of August lol
Speed is around 22-20 Mph (Release Speed), and 20-18 (Finishing Speed)
RPM can be anywhere from 550-650 (Change my Rotation sometimes)
Axis Tilt: 5'
Axis Rotation: 30'

My Favorite Ball right now is the Track 607A SE
Layout is 60 x 4" x 40
I find it to be the most versatile in my Arsenal as of now. Use it mostly on the Sports shots they have at Schofield. And they change the shot every 2 weeks. Great Carry and smooth going down the lane.

The Other balls..
- Track 916AT:
Just got this ball, same layout as the 607A SE. I use this ball when the lane tends to have a heavy volume of oil or if the shot is very long.
- Ebonite Mission 2.0:
Layout: 55 x 4" x 45
- Use it mainly for when i bowl at another house, where there are Old Wood Lanes (Not Synthetic). Or when the backend is just too strong and i need a smooth reaction in the backend.

- Storm 2Furious (Polished):
Layout: 85 x 3 3/4" x 40
I use it mainly for when my other bowling balls cant make it through the heads cleanly. And when the backend tends to be a little spotty.

- MoRich WoMB:
Layout: 50 x 4" x 45
Used when the Mission 2.0 reads the midlane too early. Same smooth backend reaction.

- Brunswick Wild Ride:
Layout: 45 x 4" x 45
When the lanes are burnt, i bring out this ball. Smooth through the heads and has a controllable Arc in the backend.

- Hammer Blue Hammer Urethane Pearl:
Layout: Not to sure sorry. Probably label.
I use this ball on bone dry lanes. Or when the shot is being pushed all over the place by every type of bowler. Like when there are too many styles of bowlers on my pair. Its used when i need a smooth and consistent reaction through oil thats pushed out everywhere.

- Storm Invasion (Smooth/Long Layout)(Polished)
Layout: 70 x 4" x 50
When the lane starts breaking down weird like what i said in the Blue Hammer description. Need something that has a little more backend then the Urethane ball.

- Roto-Grip Mutant Cell (Control Layout w/ Cover Change)(4000 Abralon/Polish)
Layout: 60 x 4" x 40
When i need to play the rail. Smooth through the heads, Smooth arc to the pocket, and explosive carry.

Thats the only bowling balls i have really used recently. Just got to try a Jigsaw Trap last week. But that ball... i did not like. Too inconsistent for me for some reason :

Current Arsenal:
Track 916AT
Track 607A SE
Storm 2Furious (Polished)
Storm Anarchy
Ebonite Mission 2.0
Brunswick Wild Ride
MoRich Weapon of Mass Bias