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Author Topic: Diablo AWESOME  (Read 1322 times)


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« on: September 19, 2005, 05:42:31 PM »
i almost became the first youth bowler to 800 in our house tonight i shot 289 (6 pin in the first then 10 in a row then a solid 4) next game a 258 (strike then spare thensome strikes and a stone 8 then in the tenth on the second shot a spinning 5 pin) and last game 228 with spares in the 7,8,9 and 10 frames)

so just short of a plaque and a ring in the sma enight this is my highest series and a 3rd high game of 289
215 House Average
KC Missouri Youth Doubles Champs(660)
I use
Storm Fired Up
Storm X-Factor
Storm Depth Charge
Storm Atomic Charge
Storm Ace
Formerly Storm717

My Bowling Journal
2 other leagues to the left



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Re: Diablo AWESOME
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2005, 02:22:49 AM »
second shift league and the ball is laid out pin over middle finger cg in palm i'm right handed this drilling is awesome for my house cause if you hit dry boards outside it will grab and make a mive to the pocket
215 House Average
KC Missouri Youth Doubles Champs(660)
I use
Storm Fired Up
Storm X-Factor
Storm Depth Charge
Storm Atomic Charge
Storm Ace
Formerly Storm717

My Bowling Journal
2 other leagues to the left


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Re: Diablo AWESOME
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2005, 02:33:07 PM »
I shot the 2nd highest series of my life last Friday with my new Diablo drilled the same way as yours!!  Imagine that!!  258, 199 268 for a 725..  Not bad for a 198 avg. from last year!  Avg'd 183 prior to punching up the Diablo and will be raising my average a lot this year with this ball!  What I liked about it, is it makes me be more aggressive and throw the ball with enough speed to get it down the lanes..  No problem swinging it either, standing 30 shooting across 13 board at the arrows, swinging out to the 5 (sometimes the 3 board) and crushing the pocket!  Go get yours today!!

Update!!  October 2nd... Have used my Diablo for two weeks now and after my opening 725 series, rolled a 663 on Friday night, then a 674 in tournament action at a different house on Saturday..  Made my way into the rolloffs and won the Masters Division of the Salt Lake City Amateur Bowlers Tour today cashing out $460, paying for my new Diablo in two weeks!!  New shoes on the way now too!!  Way to go STORM!!  I love my new Diablo so much, I almost got up the nerve to get rid of my X-it!!  NO WAY!!  The X-It is not leaving anytime soon even though I don't thorw it anymore!!  Keep up the great job Storm!!

If at first you don't succeed

Throw another ball!!

Edited on 9/26/2005 2:28 PM

Edited on 10/2/2005 11:49 PM