Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: Law on January 16, 2006, 01:37:01 PM
I have the Shock & Awe and the ball is cracked. I got the Smokin Inferno from Brunswick and the ball seems to be quite a bit stronger than the S&A. I'm back into Storm again and was wondering which would be a better match; the Fired Up or the Screamin Banshee or something else?
I would suggest the Paradigm. May go a litte longer than the S & A, but will be just as strong at the end, if not stronger. If it is a little too long, surface adjustment will help.
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!
From the current Storm balls, only the pearl Paradigm comes close to the S&A due to the coverstcok material and strong mass bias core. How much the EOX coverstock and the Activator+ on the S&A differ I cannot tell, though.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
I should have mentioned that I do have the Paradigm already. It's drilled with the CG kicked out and the pin above and in between the fingers. It's in the box condition and I would like to keep it this way since I need something for heavier oil.
My S&A was drilled with the ring finger right into the pin and had the surfaced changed to 1000 abralon.
try the passion my ball driller got one and it is great for heavier oil.
I throw anthing that works!
try the passion my ball driller got one and it is great for heavier oil.
I throw anthing that works!
Actually I plan on using the Paradigm for heavier oil. I never see much out there.
I guess you can say I have quite a bit of hand, so I tend to use balls meant for medium-light on medium. For example, last season, I used a Sonic X on a medium oiled lane.
If you need something weaker than the smokin inferno and similar to the s and a (i assume you had yours drilled weak), I would look into the super sport pearl.