Hi!!! I have bowled two summer leagues, and I will be getting into a winter league with my husband, Jason G, but I think I need a new bowling ball. My current arsenal consists of Columbia 300 Pink Scout and a Visionary Green Gargoyle sanded at 2000 grit. Don't make fun of my arsenal...I'm new.

I really want to get a Storm bowling ball because they smell really good. So I've been looking and I think the T-Road solid or the Street Rod Solid look like they could fit my needs. It looks like the T-Road may fit a little better but I really like the logo on the Street Rod Solid. I don't know much about my drilling layouts, rev rate and so on. Normally, I stand a board or two right of the middle dot and roll the ball just right of the second arrow if this helps. Does anyone have any opinions on which ball I should get? A guy that bowls with my husband thinks I should get a Gravity Shift, but I think that's because he wants it.

Thanks everyone for reading my first post.
Edited on 4/13/2008 4:50 PM