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Author Topic: Looking for some ball advice  (Read 1364 times)


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Looking for some ball advice
« on: February 28, 2009, 12:48:56 AM »
I currently have 2 balls (virtual gravity and street rod pearl)  

The VG is perfect for my thursday league because it is a really oily house most of the time.  The Street Rod I use for my couples league because it is at 9:00 PM on a Saturday and I doubt that they oil the lanes between friday afternoon and monday night.

However, here is my problem.  Sometimes due to either who we are bowling with or the conditions in the Saturday league it seems that I don't have a good shot with either ball.  I carry a 201 and 199 averages in the 2 leagues but I have very little revs and low ball speed.  Is there a third ball that would help me out or do I just need to make better adjustments?

thanks very much for your imput



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Re: Looking for some ball advice
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2009, 08:55:58 AM »

Without actually seeing you bowl on those conditions its tough to tell BUT, There is quite a large gap between the two balls you have (VG and SRP) reaction could easily fit another ball inbetween those two to help you make smaller adjustments and to give you a different look on the lanes when neither of those are working for you.

I would suggest a hyroad or second dimension, both fall between the two balls you have and both take surface changes very well so you could tune the reaction to what you are looking for exactly.

Good Luck!

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Re: Looking for some ball advice
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2009, 09:05:50 AM »

thanks for your response.  If I were to pick one of these 2 balls, which one do you think would be best?  I bowl with a pretty straightforward style, only a small bit of swing.  I certainly am looking for a ball that will do a lot of the work for me considering my "weak" bowling style.


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Re: Looking for some ball advice
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2009, 02:43:16 PM »

thanks for your response.  If I were to pick one of these 2 balls, which one do you think would be best?  I bowl with a pretty straightforward style, only a small bit of swing.  I certainly am looking for a ball that will do a lot of the work for me considering my "weak" bowling style.

The Hyroad with a somewhat stronger layout works well for lower rev rate bowlers like yourself, the core and cover match up great and really do a good job of getting this ball to dig in in the midlane but still continue in the should fill the gap you currently have nicely
Owner/Operator of
Multi Media Consultant
Storm Products, Inc.

Edited on 2/28/2009 3:43 PM


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Re: Looking for some ball advice
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2009, 02:59:19 PM »
Rapid Fire solid would also be a good choice.  Probably a little stronger overall than the Hy-Road.


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Re: Looking for some ball advice
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2009, 03:58:58 PM »

Low revs and low ball speed mean you want the ball to do the work for you.  I get that.  I'm surprise that you seem to like your VG though since I have seen low speed bowlers turn to the Virtual for that spot and the ball rolls out too early for them.

Anyway the Storm balls in that range that I would suggest have been brought up here.  I figured giving you an understanding of their ball movement may help.

Second Dimension - very strong pearl with a very basic 'grip and turn' ball movement.  I really like this ball as a step down from my Virtual.  The best thing about this ball is that it drives through carrydown exceptionally for a pearl.

HY-Road - This is my favorite second shift ball for either league or tournaments.  Ball movement is not that different than the Second but this ball seems more usable after some track has been formed - very much like the T-Road Pearl but much more predictable.

Rapid Fire - The Rapid Fire solid seems to be the most under rated ball in Storms line up these days.  This is a VERY predictable ball with some serious backend pop for a solid.

From what you described you are really looking for a step up from the Street Rod due to some unpredictability with the lanes on your 9 pm league.  Based on that need I would go with the Rapid Fire if roll predictability is your is problem.  I don't think you can go wrong with any of these 3 balls -  but I would go with the Rapid Fire.