My friend just a Vertigo and I'm wondering how to drill it for him. I told him to get a 2-3inch pin and 3 oz top weight. I hope the RAD, CG, and pin line up. Anyway, his PAP is 5 inches over and 0 up or down with good hand and medium revs. He's looking for it to be his strongest ball to handle heavy oil and not quit with probably a strong arc roll also. I'm thinking of putting the pin 3 3/8" from the PAP, stacking the CG and RAD underneath it. So more or less a stack leverage with the RAD 1" to 1 1/2" from his thumb. Taking it to probably 1/2 to 3/4 oz sideweight and probably more thumb then finger weight to get it to roll a little sooner. He doesn't have a ball like this. What do all you Storm guys out there think? Thanx.