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Author Topic: Mark another 300 game for Storm  (Read 858 times)


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Mark another 300 game for Storm
« on: February 03, 2009, 08:01:46 AM »
Shot 300 during team pre-bowl last Saturday (1/31/09) on lanes 31 & 32 for the following Wednesday night Castouts League at AMF Sheridan Lanes in Tulsa, OK. I was using my T-Road Solid. Check my profile for more details.

This is the 2nd perfecto of my career, both with a Storm ball. This was also my first adult league pre-bowling experience. Thanks to Mr. 'He who must not be named,' I told my teammates not to shoot 300 or 800 during pre-bowl since we won't get any awards. And lookie what I did the first game out? lol

300-258-174 = 732

Thankfully the lanes broke down the last game and couldn't string a double in order to go for the 800. I never thought I'd be bitter sweet about bowling, or not bowling, an honor score. Not to mention 3 shots were total luck.

So far I'm loving the T-Road Solid and Pearl. Guess I'm a Storm bowler or life.

Edited on 2/3/2009 5:02 PM



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Re: Mark another 300 game for Storm
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2009, 04:11:34 PM »
Congratulations on the 300, too bad about the pre-bowl stuff.


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