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Author Topic: Mars, VEnergy...  (Read 903 times)


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Mars, VEnergy...
« on: March 07, 2010, 01:35:51 PM »
Okay so my first year of bowling in league is going pretty well.. I have been getting more and more consistent with my form. I throw around 17 mph and my pin up Virtual Energy can't always get it done for me on a heavily saturated shot. Since I will be going to a few local tournaments I think I need to get another ball to open things up with. I was thinking a Reign of Fire would be the way to go but of course the Invasion looks like a stud also. What ball would you all reccomend I get to go with my Mars and Energy and what layout should I try. 250-300 revs.

Btw thanks to everyone that told me to try the Mars.. Really impressed with that ball.. you always know what you are going to get out of it.




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Re: Mars, VEnergy...
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 11:00:32 PM »
Another option would be a Virtual Gravity as I have never thrown one, My girlfriend has a Hammer Jigsaw and that works well for her also. I might pick one up since they are being discontinued. Any opinions of the Jigsaw Corner.. not a huge hammer fan but I would have to give them props on making a unique looking ball with the Jigsaw and Corner.