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Author Topic: Marvel S  (Read 1326 times)


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Marvel S
« on: March 22, 2014, 01:21:07 PM »
So i bought a Marvel S at nationals, it is drilled 50x3 3/8x 40, which puts the pin just right of my ring.

I bought it to use at nationals because i had nothing to blend the flat oil. It was recommended to me by Mike Jasnau and the guys at the Storm booth after looking at what i had and how i rolled the ball.

I wanted it to be strong to be predictable. And it is just that.

I am a 350 RPM 18 MPH in the heads

I love how this thing rolls. It really is a monster. I left it out of box.

But i can't use it here at home. I have watched videos of the ball at 1500 with polish. And it looks like it rolls well.

I still have it at OOB, what would a good starting place for cover to make it more usable here at home?

I will take it back to OOB for nationals next year.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 01:22:49 PM by BigBaller »



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Re: Marvel S
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2014, 03:05:36 PM »
Try stepping it up to 4000. I also have one. Mine is 50/3.75/50 with hole down VAL. I'm about 375-400 revs @20 mph so we are pretty evenly matched.

I've tried mine at many surfaces as well and I think the true 4000 might work well.