Thinking about picking both of these balls up. Was going to look at drilling them both the same with a 4x4 with a 2in. pin buffer. would like to know how well They will compliment each other
Yes I am a Lefty
Good scores to all
Arsenal:=Track 607ASE,Track 505T, Hammer Backlash, Columbia Power Swing
Highest series 878 (300,299,279) shot 9-13-07
300 Game shot with Super Trooper 10-17-06
300/800 Action Max 9-13-07
300 Power Drive 10-17-07,1/08 2/6/08
I have both of these balls drilled with the same layout- although not your layout. My Marvel is at box and my Reign Supreme is at 3000 abr. On a fresh shot my Marvel is about 3 or 4 boards stronger but once they break down a little bit the Reign Supreme really shines because of the hybrid cover. The Marvel wants to burn and the Supreme just makes the turn. Hope this helps
Joe Tremper