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Author Topic: Mini Mini Mini review the Big Hit  (Read 1715 times)


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Mini Mini Mini review the Big Hit
« on: July 24, 2003, 05:09:43 AM »
Where do I start,ok I got this already plugged.So I decided
to go rev leverage just to see what it can do.Testing time(oh this was last night by the way).Its was also Sport Shot night too(short oil pattern,but kinda oily)!Annnnnn,ooooo,ugggggh,this ball hooks goofy on this sport shot.Bonehead me forgot that this exact ball is a light/dry ball,oopss.One GOOD thing,this ball picked up almost every spare right of the 20 board with very little problems,the 10 pin shot 80+% hit,yayayaya some curved a lil' much and some hit the gutter,oh well,no big.To make this micro review count and a long story short. I bowled about 6 games with it(high game 183),then I gave it away to random stranger,he was happy with it.
Its ok,I give an ""B-""because it picked up many different spares with ease!Anyways,I already own 3 or 4 balls for light/dry conditions and I was ONLY testing it to see what it can do(mess around night).I do this twice a month JUST to see what a ball can do.Also IF ANYONE dosent have a spare this one is OK,remember whatever you decide is up to you.I just test em for fun!Thats all for as this is a teeny spot review.
