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Author Topic: Mini-Review: Storm Paradigm - So Far So Good!  (Read 914 times)


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Mini-Review: Storm Paradigm - So Far So Good!
« on: June 30, 2006, 05:44:30 AM »
Ball: 15# Storm Paradigm

Layout: Pin next to ring finger and just a pinch up with CG kicked out exactly on midline with RAD+/MB sitting right of thumb about 1 1/4 inch in the Strong Position.

Kinda sorta looks like a stacked layout.


4 x 5 mb (Approximate layout measurements)

X-Hole: 4 3/4" Over from middle of grip
3/4" Drill bit - Drilled 2 5/8" inches deep

Coverstock Prep: Factory Polish Finish

Oil Condition: Modified Top Hat
- More oil in the middle
- Track area was sensitive and a little burnt up
- Bump it early and the ball would check up
- Chase the oil in and send it wide late, it would normally skate (Slight Out of Bounds)

Information about me:
PAP = 5 1/2 > 5/8 ^
Rotation = 75 degrees
Track = Medium on Fingers and High on thumb
RevRate/Style = High End Tweener
Speed = 15.5-16mph @ The Deck on Quibica Scorers

How the ball fared off in league last night:

Last night, I took the Paradigm out for a spin in league last night. (Special thanks to fellow BR Member Tracy Brockette *T Brockette* for selling me his used ball. Fresh out of the FedEx Truck & straight to league!)
When I get a new ball, I have a habit of throwing it in league even if I know I haven't gotten to know the ball and its' characteristics yet. I am goofy this way, but heck, who wouldn't want to throw a new ball anyways!

So I gave it a whirl on what looked to be a modified Top Hat Pattern. Heavier oil in the middle with decent hold. Track area was kinda burnt and there was slight Out of Bounds if you fed the ball out to the outside boards late.

I couldn't get the Paradigm to hold playing a 12-5 shot.

My friend who is on the other team has a similar game to mine, except his axis rotation has more "up the back roll" as opposed to my side rotation of 75-90 degrees. He was playing deep and chasing the oil inside with a Factory Polished Ebonite One. I believe he had about the same layout as mine. Not sure if it had a weight hole though. We both had the same look and chased the shot in.

We were both left of where everyone was playing. I had the best success chasing the oil at 23 at the arrows and out to about 7 at the breakpoint downlane. This ball is really clean up front. I noticed that this ball revs a ton and boy does it conserve a lot of energy for the back. I would consider the backend motion of this ball to be pretty angular. It reminds me of my The One with the same type of layout and probably give it a run for its' money as being just as strong.

I finished with 191-198-220
(Left 2 Ten pins, a 4-9 and a few splits and just tried to stay clean. I guess that wasn't too bad for a ball that wasn't drilled to my exact specs. Thank god for tape!)

I am very impressed with this ball. It gave me a chance to open up my angles and open up the lane when I was shut out from the outside lines. Storm has really opened my eyes lately (I recently picked up a used Vertigo and Recharge) and especially with this Paradigm. Makes me think about trying another one with a Pin under the bridge layout with a different surface prep (maybe a blue scotchbrite at 800) for oilier conditions.

Anyone else with a Paradigm care to comment on their experience with theirs?

Thanks for reading everyone!
Best Regards,

Food is good for you!

Edited on 6/30/2006 11:23 PM


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Mini-Review: Storm Paradigm - So Far So Good!
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2006, 01:54:56 PM »
Yes please.  I have been thinking about this ball also.
Current Arsenal:
Parker Bohn III
Bohn up a Storm!!!


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Re: Mini-Review: Storm Paradigm - So Far So Good!
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2006, 10:54:54 PM »
Great review bud as always.

I had a paradigm and sold it.  I was just trying to clear out a bunch of balls.  Well I wish I never got rid of mine because I thought it was one of the best asymmetrical balls I have ever thrown.  I usually prefer symmetrical balls period but the paradigm is in a class by itself.  At least that's my opinion about this ball.

I found that the paradigm was a great all around ball that is xtremely versatile in it's box surface.  See a lot of balls are versatile with cover changes.  Well the paradigm can handle a wide variety of lane conditions without a cover change.  In fact I don't know of many balls that can be used on light oil all the way to heavy without changing the cover.

I personally feel one could make a dam good 2 ball arsenal with this ball.  Just drill one to go long and the other to roll early and you would be set.