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Author Topic: More oil BALLS?  (Read 789 times)


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More oil BALLS?
« on: September 07, 2009, 04:26:05 AM »
Im see that i really struggle the first couple games of league (we bowl 4).i just have a problem with my balls just laboring hard on the back but once the outsides dry out and i get that bounce spot im fine. Alll i have right now is 2 balls and a plastic.

HEAVY-im still undecided i thought maybe a Cell,Virtual gravity,or maybe a Siege?ALso what type of drill maybe something like a 4 by 4
MED-Heavy-i was thinking maybe a hy-road with a 45-4 1/4-65
MED-Rattler drilled 50-5-35
Light-Avalanche solid drilled 62-4 1/2-65
Plastic Ice Storm
STATS:speed 14mph
      rev: 250
      pap: 4 1/4=> 1/2^
      rotation: not much mostly up the back of the ball.