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Author Topic: More revs!!!  (Read 3304 times)


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More revs!!!
« on: February 03, 2007, 09:57:02 AM »
How do you but more revs on the ball and how do you swing it out?
Age:  14
Hand: Left Hander
Location: Brunswick, Georgia
Average: 187
Revs:  High
In the Bag: Xcel, Jolt, Paradigm, and Total NV and for spares a maxim



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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2007, 06:01:20 PM »
How do you but more revs on the ball and how do you swing it out?
Age:  14
Hand: Left Hander
Location: Brunswick, Georgia
Average: 187
Revs:  High
In the Bag: Xcel, Jolt, Paradigm, and Total NV and for spares a maxim

You say that you already have high revs. How do you get more rev's than high rev's??
3 holes of fun!!


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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2007, 06:05:48 PM »
Ooooooooooooppppppppppsssssss I ment low to medium.  

Age:  14
Hand: Left Hander
Location: Brunswick, Georgia
Average: 187
Revs:  low to med
In the Bag: Xcel, Jolt, Paradigm, and Total NV and for spares a maxim


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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2007, 06:13:56 PM »
There are a number of ways to get more rev's but it all depends on the bowler as to how much. Some bowlers have that God given ability to rev the hell out of the ball.

You can get more finger lift, cup your wrist or bent your elbow. You can use alot of wrist (this is where that God given ability part comes in) or you can buy a wrist support like Robby's Rev's or Moro Pro Release. If all that fails, you can always bowl right handed. HAHA
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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2007, 09:05:11 AM »
Watch some old video of Marshall Holman. The perfect blend of power and control.

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2007, 02:40:29 PM »
Funny Man...
Forget it, either you have it or you don't. Be thankful your ball does not have a lot of revs just like Walter Ray. All of the people with high rev rates want to lower their rate so that they control the ball. Improve your fundamentals if you want to score higher. You don't get bonus pins for sending the headpin from one wall to another.

Learn how to roll the ball and you will WAY MORE SUCCESS then learning to put revs on the ball you cannot control. Take it from someone who has a naturally high rev rate.
...Mr. Straight Ball is still praying that his ball hooks...
Is your ball ready to cross 40 Boards?
Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2007, 03:05:41 PM »
Funny thing... again the thing others have is more desired than the thing one already has....

I have had high revs but poor aiming... and I bowled bad. (with a cupped wrist)

So my driller(not coach... I can't be coached... you want to coach a stone or a brickwall but not me... even the stuborned donkey learns more ) stepped up next to me on the approach and said.. open that wrist.

It cut down my revs but increased my hit% on the target.

Now I am starting to go back to a cupped wrist and I also (by misstake - didn't want to do) started to bend the elbow to get mor revs on the ball... good and bad. I started to get a better carry IF I hit my target but my aiming got poor again... DOH!

so... 2cent:

Bowling is mainly about hitting a target with a certain amount of hand in the ball and then you get a strike... you don't have to play all boards that are there....

just my 2ct and I bowl real bad at the moment... averaging 160+x falling down from a 170 (my goal is 180 till april)... so maybe you don't want to take my thoughts into consideration
Check out my Vids in my profile.. just short clips about how I bowled and how I play today

and by the way... I am a "Fritz" a "Jerry"... I am from Germany! (And please don't call me Kraut! Cause then I call you Dumbarse)

Edited on 2/5/2007 4:05 PM


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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2007, 03:33:08 PM »
I don't know guys. I have a naturally high rev rate. I have tried to straighten up numerous times, but could never carry too well. I have a naturally high speed as well, and to counter that, I need my revs. So I worked hard to learn how to aim better while maintaining my revs, and I have been much more successful. I carry much better due to my increased entry angle.

But don't change what you don't have naturally. I find I am better with revs/speed. Just practice and work hard to improve your aiming. Put a piece of tape on your mark or two towels on the sides of your mark. Practice until you can put your ball between there with no trouble, and that will be the key to improving your game, not me. Aiming with repetition is by far the most important aspect in bowling...except for that whole "knowing what you're doing" thing
When having trouble, just throw it harder!!!


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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2007, 01:34:08 PM »
Technically speaking you do get bonus pins for sending the head pin from one wall to the other.  Nothing is better than getting that scout to come across and take care of that 9 or 10 pin you forgot.  But seriously I am beginning to learn straighter is greater and my average has been going up a lot from it instead of trying to play the whole lane sometimes its better to just play half of it.  We have a guy on our bowling team that has a lot of hand but he throws the ball like only 15 miles an hour and he should be like a 215 avg if he would just move right and throw the ball harder, but he only averages like 195 because he wants to play the whole lane and leaves the infamous 2,8,10 at least 2 times a game.  He thinks the more boards you cover the better bowler you are.  I've never seen someone hate on people that dont have a huge hook as much as him.  Especially since most of the people he hates on are better than he is.  Although it does look cool when the ball goes from the left gutter to the right and crushes the pocket.


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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2007, 01:41:50 PM »
ha u tell me that, i ve left countless of 2,8,10s when i was playing two hand

now i get less revs with one hand but lot more consistency. im not sure, but my rev rate is increasing and the carry im getting is way better
When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one

This guy on youtube posts videos of the PBA
for ppl who dont watch TV or want to save the matches this will be great!
link! click me


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Re: More revs!!!
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2007, 05:20:11 PM »
There is no exact number of where you should be at.  What matters is finding a happy marriage of hand and accuracy.  I was fairly accurate but I didn't have enough hand to get the ball to consistantly carry.  I've been pushing my revs up, and I'm finding a good line where the ball still carries and I retain the most accuracy compared to carry.  At that point, you want to iron out your accuracy right around there.  Everyones roll and tilt carries at a different rate, you need to find what is best for you.  In some cases, straighter is greater, and in others, you need to learn how to hook the ball.  Look at the variety of styles on tour.  Most have an A game, then they learn versatility to play a B game when the A game doesn't work.  You need to find your best combination, then you work on other shots.